AltWeeklies Wire
The Story of Web Sensation Annie Leonardnew

Leonard's The Story of Stuff, is an entertaining tale of global production and consumption patterns, and their connections to larger social and environmental issues.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Kirsten Akens |
12-03-2009 |
For Freegans, Eating Garbage Is Getting Downright Trendynew

John Greentree's what many would call a "freegan" -- a vegan who dumpster-dives for his meals -- but he prefers the terms "post-consumer," "urban harvester," and "vegan reclamist." Everything he eats or owns is second-hand. He manages to live virtually money-free, but modern-day hunting and gathering is practically a full-time job.
Phoenix New Times |
Niki D'Andrea |
08-25-2009 |
Life After (Peak) Oil: Rethinking Priorities and Kicking the Fuel Habitnew
For those in North Carolina who take the Hubbert Peak seriously, and who see it as occurring not only within their lifetimes but in the next few years, neither future seems likely. Rather, they are preparing for a world without oil by steeling themselves for something in the middle, a world after cheap gasoline and the conveniences that come with it.
INDY Week |
Gerry Canavan and Jaimee Hills |
11-13-2008 |
Mad in America: You Wouldn't Like Us When We're Angrynew

Even though we have so many reasons to be happy, fulfilled, ejaculating with gratitude from every pore that we're fortunate enough to live in this country, at this time in history, we're angry. That's why Sarah's Smash Shack is poised to become the McDonald's of the 21st century.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Greg Beato |
10-24-2008 |
Think the Housing Crisis Was Bad? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yetnew
While many eyes are focusing on the housing meltdown and its hugely negative effect on an economy clearly moving into recession, few are paying attention to the next bubble expected to burst: credit cards.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Danny Schechter |
06-27-2008 |
Why Environmental Consciousness Needs to Go Beyond Recyclingnew
For years, environmentalists have told us to first reduce consumption, then to reuse what we buy, and only then to recycle. But somehow, the option of last resort became the default setting. Leading environmental thinkers say it's time to take a different approach to our economy -- which means cultivating an even more radical relationship to the resources we use.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Bill O'Driscoll |
04-28-2008 |
Green Fatigue: Is Anyone Else Sick and Tired of Eco-Chic?new

The most inconvenient truth of all, it turns out, is this: The Green Movement might make you feel warm and fuzzy, but it won't stop global warming. Really want to save the planet? Wear your old clothes, drive your old car, and save up for solar panels.
Phoenix New Times |
Staff |
04-22-2008 |
Green Buying Binge is Doing Us Innew
What started all those years ago as a valiant effort to nudge residents to get with the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) has morphed into a fervent consumer campaign that has vanquished "reduce." It's not just evidenced by my new supersized recycling bin, but also by the endless variety of ways we're encouraged to be "green" while indulging unabated our addiction to shopping.
NOW Magazine |
Andrew Cash |
04-18-2008 |