AltWeeklies Wire
Greeting Society's Collapse with a Smile and a Shovelnew

Transition was launched when one Rob Hopkins recognized that modern Western society cannot continue at its current pace of life as fast access to oil begins to dwindle. Global warming and economic meltdown are the two other principle drivers of the Transition movement, but in an ideal "Transition Town," society would be ready for such changes.
North Bay Bohemian |
Alastair Bland |
06-22-2009 |
Life After (Peak) Oil: Rethinking Priorities and Kicking the Fuel Habitnew
For those in North Carolina who take the Hubbert Peak seriously, and who see it as occurring not only within their lifetimes but in the next few years, neither future seems likely. Rather, they are preparing for a world without oil by steeling themselves for something in the middle, a world after cheap gasoline and the conveniences that come with it.
INDY Week |
Gerry Canavan and Jaimee Hills |
11-13-2008 |
What Will We Use Instead of Oil?new
If we're going to go on driving cars, but we can't afford to fuel them from petroleum (and we can't afford to put all those greenhouse gas emissions in the air either), then what do we do instead?
NOW Magazine |
Gwynne Dyer |
06-23-2008 |
Tags: oil, environment, transportation, pollution, peak oil, biofuels, automobiles, carbon dioxide, algae, fuel costs, hydrogen
Confession: I'm Kind of Looking Forward to the Recessionnew

It isn't going to be pretty, as the lines at the food pantries grow. As we slide down the other side of Peak Oil, things will probably get worse before they get better. On the other hand, downturns have their upsides.
Seven Days |
Judith Levine |
05-27-2008 |
Oil Costs Reshaping the Suburbsnew
Current property values in the U.S., where the subprime-mortgage crisis has unleashed a sea of foreclosures, demonstrate how surging oil prices can affect the real-estate market. Cities with more suburban sprawl are suffering more in terms of depressed prices than denser areas that are less dependent on cars.
The Georgia Straight |
Carlito Pablo |
05-19-2008 |
Housing & Development
'World Made By Hand' Conveys Post-Oil Society Through Richly Descriptive Narrativenew
While no doubt many consider him a doomsayer or a kook, Kunstler has become a go-to guest lecturer on topics ranging from architecture to urban planning to peak oil -- and now he's translated ideas in his nonfiction writing into a novel.
The Texas Observer |
C.B. Evans |
05-07-2008 |
Richard Heinberg Discusses a Post-Carbon Futurenew

Chances are, when you think about gasoline, it crosses your mind in an abstract way -- as if where it comes from and how much of it exists is someone else's problem. Thanks to peak oil expert Richard Heinberg, Americans' naive attitude toward fossil fuels may be changing.
Seven Days |
Mike Ives |
04-28-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Are Skyscrapers Really Good for the Environment?new
Density is our hope for long-term survival. At least until peak oil. The problem with these sky-scraping symbols of long-term sustainability, according to an energy expert, is "figuring out how to heat the damn things. If we assume the heat source will be oil," Larry Hughes says, "it's very short-sighted, naive to the extreme."
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Chris Benjamin |
04-14-2008 |
Sanctify My Ridenew
A veggie-car mechanic preaches the gospel of grease.
Seven Days |
Mike Ives |
05-30-2007 |
A 'Thicket of Tradeoffs'new
Peak oil expert Richard Heinberg explains that humanity faces an intimidating choice: Kick our oil addiction decisively and cooperatively, or leave it up to the market and face catastrophic consequences.
Eugene Weekly |
Kera Abraham |
01-11-2006 |