AltWeeklies Wire

Thomas McCarthy Carves Out a Plum Role for Veteran Character Actor Richard Jenkins in 'The Visitor'new

So much film criticism focuses on directors that we sometimes forget what draws most people to the screen: the prospect of seeing an actor connect with a role and really live it.
Chicago Reader  |  J.R. Jones  |  04-21-2008  |  Reviews

Top O the Mourning

Though there are plenty of potentially bright, brisk sounds thrown in, the results don't often come across that way on this disc.
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Dempsey  |  01-13-2006  |  Reviews

A 'Thicket of Tradeoffs'new

Peak oil expert Richard Heinberg explains that humanity faces an intimidating choice: Kick our oil addiction decisively and cooperatively, or leave it up to the market and face catastrophic consequences.
Eugene Weekly  |  Kera Abraham  |  01-11-2006  |  Environment

Wanted: More Dead Presidentsnew

Hopes were high when some of the biggest names in Illinois formed the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum Foundation in Springfield, but it's now clear they have fallen far short of their financial goals. Richard Norton Smith hopes to play catch-up.
Illinois Times  |  Bruce Rushton  |  11-23-2005  |  Economy

Penalizing Homeowners: Ameriquest Mortgage's Smashmouth Loansnew

Ameriquest Mortgage is bringing you the Super Bowl’s halftime extravaganza -- while it roughs up borrowers and encroaches on their homes. Ameriquest has claimed another honor: top political contributor in the mortgage industry, spending nearly $5.6 million to influence November’s elections.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Rich Lord  |  01-06-2005  |  Policy Issues

From TV to Stage: Claire Danes at the Toronto Film Festivalnew

TV-trained Claire Danes tackled formidable thespian challenges when she was cast as a 17th century Englishwoman who breaks a sexual barrier.
Boston Phoenix  |  Gerald Peary  |  10-22-2004  |  Profiles & Interviews

Give Donnie Darko One More Chancenew

With the release of the director's cut, two Bay Guardian critics give bizarre cult film Donnie Darko another chance.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Susan Gerhard  |  09-01-2004  |  Reviews

Donnie Darko's Paradise is Lostnew

With the release of the director's cut, two Bay Guardian critics give bizarre cult film Donnie Darko another chance.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Andrew Repasky McElhinney  |  09-01-2004  |  Reviews

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