Pittsburgh City Paper
www.pghcitypaper.com- 650 Smithfield St.
- Suite 2200
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222
- Phone: (412) 316-3342
- Fax: (412) 316-3388
- Circulation: 70,000 (as of June 2014)
- Audited By: Verified Audit Circulation
- Publication Day: Every Wednesday
- Market Served: Pittsburgh, PA
- National Advertising: Voice Media Group
CP serves up Pittsburgh's most
comprehensive arts and entertainment
coverage, provocative news, fearless
opinion, and lapel-grabbing covers and
internal design. With an editorial staff
whose boredom threshold is low and
whose caliber of writing is high, readers
learn to expect the unexpected: a
contrarian and counterintuitive look at the
’Burgh. Also helping CP pack a punch is
the fact that it is part of Steel City Media,
which owns two Pittsburgh rock stations
that promote CP heavily to extend the
publication’s impact and reach.