National Advertising
Reach 2.5 million of today's most active consumers with just one media buy.

Alternative papers are on the cutting edge of local and hyperlocal issues, music, and entertainment. When you advertise in our papers, you become part of the local scene in each city you buy.
In-the-know media planners and marketers who want to be associated with America's cutting edge turn to us.
Compared to other print media, the alternatives are a cost-effective buy.
With just one order, you have access to full service media placement reaching 63 publications across the United States.
And instead of making calls to dozens of papers, with the national alternative buy you'll receive one invoice that keeps your billing logistics to a minimum.
Our audience is loyal and has made our newspapers, their newspapers. The alternative media covers the issues that are important to the people you want to reach.
Alt-weeklies are the original hyperlocal.
With 63 publications that have established themselves as the cultural reference point for 3 million Americans every week, the alternative buy grants you access to the hip, forward-thinking adults that you won't reach anywhere else.
NATIONAL CLASSIFIED AD: $995 per week63 alternative publications.
Text ad. Up to 25 words. Each additional word $25. Special formatting not available.
Regional packages are also available for $350 per week.
Deadline: Every Thursday at 4pm Eastern. Ad will run the following week.
To book an ad contact Jason Zaragoza at (571) 249-5848 or jason[at]

Photos: jumpingsack and Feng Yu, Shutterstock