AltWeeklies Wire

Endangered Species Act Has Kept the Water Flowing in Texas, and it Won't Stop the Oilnew

Despite all the political huffing you hear coming from Texas these days, the federal Endangered Species Act has actually been an economic boon to Texas.
San Antonio Current  |  Greg Harman  |  06-09-2011  |  Environment

Midnight at the Oasisnew

How the madman of Libya is advancing energy progress in South Texas.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Wurth  |  03-11-2011  |  Environment

Sinking Feelingsnew

Gas fracking may already be lowering water tables in South Texas.
San Antonio Current  |  Robert Crowe  |  01-07-2011  |  Environment

Drill Downnew

Love it or hate it, the oil and gas industry is as much a part of modern New Mexico as red and green chile.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Laura Paskus  |  10-07-2010  |  Economy

McCain's Oil Drilling Hoaxnew

Oil industry execs drive his campaign pledge.
Shepherd Express  |  Joe Conason  |  08-08-2008  |  Commentary

Does Anyone Know Why Our Gas Prices are So High?new

Greg Brenzel finally left the gas business in October, 35 years after his family opened its first Chevron station in Louisville. It wasn't so much his choice, he says, as Chevron's: The supplier priced Brenzel out of business.
LEO Weekly  |  Stephen George  |  07-14-2008  |  Economy

Citizen Activism Against Oil & Gas Drilling Gains Steamnew

With the price of oil and gas skyrocketing it is now profitable to drill for the last remaining deposits in Texas. The Texas Railroad Commission is a willing helpmate to the industry, allowing the proliferation of oil and gas drills across Texas without regard to the impact on Texans, and many are fighting back.
The Texas Observer  |  Rusty Middleton  |  04-09-2008  |  Business & Labor

Sanctify My Ridenew

A veggie-car mechanic preaches the gospel of grease.
Seven Days  |  Mike Ives  |  05-30-2007  |  Transportation

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