AltWeeklies Wire
Decision on Offshore Drilling in South Carolina Nears the Surfacenew
The U.S. Department of Interior's Minerals Management Service is drafting up a plan that could open the South Carolina coast to offshore oil and natural gas exploration in five years.
Charleston City Paper |
Dan McCue |
09-09-2009 |
Why is Florida's Top Tourism Bureau Backing Offshore Drilling?new
The Florida Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus recently endorsed oil drilling off of Florida's coast.
Creative Loafing (Tampa) |
Alex Pickett |
12-16-2008 |
Would Drilling for Oil Off Florida's Gulf Coast Lower Fuel Prices?new
Why wouldn't it? Just pump that stuff out and ship it a few short miles over to gas stations in Tampa Bay, ready to dispense at our local convenience stores. How cheap would that be?
Creative Loafing (Tampa) |
Wayne Garcia |
09-03-2008 |
America's Energy Crisis Belongs in the GOP's Lapnew
In recent weeks, we've heard a rising chorus of Republicans blaming America's energy woes on the Democrats. It seems that they've all forgotten how Ronald Reagan gutted Jimmy Carter's energy plan.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
08-20-2008 |
Here's the Drill: The Sticky Truths About Offshore Oilnew
Approving drilling now would mean that oil reaches our gas tanks in a decade, under the best estimates, and the small quantity relative to global production would do little to alleviate prices. Still, advocates argue, anything that reduces American dependence on foreign oil is worth pursuing. That pursuit becomes sticky, however, when weighed with drilling's definable risks to the environment and public health.
Charleston City Paper |
Stratton Lawrence |
08-13-2008 |
McCain's Oil Drilling Hoaxnew
Oil industry execs drive his campaign pledge.
Shepherd Express |
Joe Conason |
08-08-2008 |
Memo to McCain: Offshore Drilling Won't Reduce Gas Pricesnew
McCain -- who has accepted more than $1 million from Big Oil donors -- is hoping that voters who are outraged by the high cost of gas will support his desire to find new domestic sources of oil and natural gas. But according to the "official energy statistics" from the federal government's Energy Information Administration, there isn't enough oil in the "off-limits" offshore areas to make a dent in world supplies or the cost of gas.
Shepherd Express |
Lisa Kaiser |
07-25-2008 |
Enviros Find Lame Excuses Not to Drill Offshore and in the Arcticnew
One of the more commonly used talking points of those who oppose drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or on the Outer Continental Shelf is that it would be at least 5 to 7 years before any ANWR or OCS crude reached U.S. refineries. It's one of the dumber arguments environmentalists and their Democratic allies in Congress make, and if you want to know why, consider how long it would take to produce an equivalent amount of fuel from any alternative source.
Boulder Weekly |
Paul Danish |
07-21-2008 |
Republicans are Pandering at the Pumpnew
We must face a difficult truth. With global oil reserves on the decline, the age of cheap gas is over. While government can provide some short-term fixes, nothing will permanently reduce gas prices. What we need is political leadership to formulate a realistic energy policy. Too bad the GOP can't deliver.
The Texas Observer |
Editorial |
07-02-2008 |
Clueless Cheney Tries to Scare Us into Drilling Everythingnew
With gas prices hovering over $4 a gallon across the U.S., the doyens of petrophilia are pulling out all the stops in an effort to get the U.S. to lift all environmental restrictions on drilling for oil. The latest salvo came when Dick Cheney repeated a claim by columnist George Will that the Chinese are drilling for crude in conjunction with Cuba off the coast of Florida.
Philadelphia City Paper |
David Faris |
07-01-2008 |
Tags: China, Cuba, oil, Dick Cheney, gas prices, George Will, offshore drilling, ANWR, energy indepedence
Responding to Energy Crisis, John McCain Goes Nuclearnew
McCain has announced a number of controversial ways to solve this nation's energy crisis. Along with suggesting offshore drilling and supporting big tax write-offs for big oil, McCain has also called for building up to 100 additional nuclear facilities within the United States.
Shepherd Express |
Lisa Kaiser |
06-27-2008 |