AltWeeklies Wire
The Republican War on Women Explodes in Floridanew

Charlie Crist's gubernatorial campaign highlights Gov. Rick Scott's failures on women's issues.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
09-17-2014 |
The War on Women
Tags: florida
What South Carolina's castle doctrine means for younew

In South Carolina, your home is your castle. So is your car, and so is your business. Under the state’s interpretation of the “castle doctrine,” as amended in 2006, civilians are allowed to use deadly force to defend themselves, but they have to meet certain requirements. Basically, if you are out in a neighborhood or in another public place, you are on shaky legal ground if you pull out a weapon.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
04-02-2012 |
Policy Issues
Florida: The Weirdest Place in America—and a Perfect Stage for the GOPnew

Even without Herman Cain and that baleful basilisk Mrs. Bachmann, the Republicans refused to be upstaged by the cavalcade of nightmares that's standard fare in the Sunshine State. They showed us they belonged here.
INDY Week |
Hal Crowther |
03-22-2012 |
Budget Problems Have Florida Reconsidering Mandatory Minimumsnew

Despite the fact that some judges complain that mandatory minimums reduce their ability to use discretion in sentencing, making them drones serving the system, the state's mandatory minimums for drug crimes remained unchallenged for more than 30 years. Recently though, the state's budget has cast a light on Florida's prison spending, which has gone up along with its jail population.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeff Gore |
04-06-2011 |
Crime & Justice
In South Florida, Dogfighting Rages on Despite Tough Lawsnew

What seemed like a straightforward case in Boynton Beach would ultimately evolve into an expensive and drawn-out legal quagmire that would serve as a test case for Florida's new laws targeting the clandestine world of dogfighting.
Miami New Times |
Michael J. Mooney and Tim Elfrink |
10-26-2009 |
Animal Issues
The Hunt for Haleigh Cummings Could Bring Down a Badass Bounty Hunternew

Cobra's work on the case of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings has landed the bounty hunter in a world of trouble. He found himself on the wrong side of a pair of handcuffs and is now facing a felony charge himself.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Lisa Rab |
09-08-2009 |
Crime & Justice
The Leader of a High-Profile Florida Church is Enveloped in Scandalnew
Next month, Pastor Gaston Smith of Friendship Missionary Baptist is set to stand trial for allegedly stealing from a community fund named for his hero, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Miami New Times |
Gus Garcia-Roberts |
08-17-2009 |
The Fate of One of Florida's Most Unique Springs Rests in the Hands of a Developernew
Warm Mineral Springs may have started as a quiet backwater, but those days are over. The future of the springs now depends on how much revenue it can generate, rather than its value as an archeological site or a natural resource.
Orlando Weekly |
Lindy T. Shepherd |
08-13-2009 |
Housing & Development
A Rape Shines a Harsh Light on Life at Palm Beach's Oldest Country Clubnew
A small tear in the blue-blood fabric was all it took, and suddenly, the world was allowed a peek inside the Everglades Club's strange universe of racial tensions, religious discrimination, and illegal laborers. Soon, the old guard was forced to defend traditions that had gone unquestioned for decades. And no amount of money could make the problem disappear.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Lisa Rab |
07-28-2009 |
Crime & Justice
Florida's Bob on Blonde Resurfaces ... Brieflynew
Sharp-eyed patrons of the 4th annual I-4 Fest this year will notice a rare sighting: a performance by Bob on Blonde, an elusive pop-rock local band that's periodically dropped electric-yet-soulful music for years, yet only plays to an audience when they feel like interacting with other people ... and that's not often.
Orlando Weekly |
Justin Strout |
07-02-2009 |
Happytown: RIP Billy Maysnew
Ed McMahon, Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Billy freaking Mays; all these people we've grown up with taking the dirt nap, all within days (or hours) of each other. In the wake of all of this bad news we almost overlooked the most recent economic forecast released by UCF prognosticator Sean Snaith. But we didn't.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman and Billy Manes |
07-02-2009 |
Why the Demise of Florida's SunRail Isn't a Bad Thingnew
Florida's highly touted SunRail deal as presently conceived is a boondoggle, a corporate giveaway, an expensively ill-conceived effort that will subsidize exurban sprawl and do little to take cars off I-4. We can do better. SunRail's demise affords us that opportunity.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman |
06-25-2009 |
How Jackson Hospital's Mental Health Unit Fails Miaminew

Many tragedies have plagued the deeply troubled unit of the nation's third-largest public hospital. After an exhaustive review, New Times has uncovered the following: rushed patient releases, inadequate supervision, undocumented use of restraints, and possible civil rights violations.
Miami New Times |
Natalie O'Neill |
06-22-2009 |
Florida Bicyclists Tell of Their Encounters with Carsnew
All too often in Florida, bicycles and automobiles don't get along.
Orlando Weekly |
Lindy T. Shepherd |
06-11-2009 |
Tags: bicycle safety, Florida
Exploitative Scumbag or Entrepreneur With a Heart? Meet Mr. Showbiz!

He's reviled for trying to sell a doll in the likeness of a murdered 2-year-old girl. He's being prosecuted for defrauding customers who tried to buy his Michael Vick Chew Toy. But just who is Jaime Salcedo, and how does he live with himself?
Folio Weekly |
Gwynedd Stuart |
06-10-2009 |
Business & Labor