AltWeeklies Wire
America's Petro-Terroristsnew
Wall Street and Washington conspire to destabilize the U.S. economy, one barrel of oil at a time.
Petro Statenew
Alberta's economy is dominated by oil and gas, but critics contend that it also dominates government policy.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Drew Anderson |
12-15-2011 |
GI Forum Accused of Shilling for Boeing, Big Oil, and AT&Tnew
Buried beneath mounds of court filings, alleging poor management and shoddy accounting, is a deep concern that GI Forum leaders have opted to trade the legacy of World War II veterans for corporate donations from groups like AT&T, Boeing, and fossil fuel energy companies represented by the American Petroleum Institute.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Barajas |
09-14-2011 |
Big Oil — Foilednew
How a sleeper bill about a contaminated oilfield site became a hot topic in Baton Rouge.
Gambit |
Jeremy Alford |
05-24-2011 |
Business & Labor
Fajardo's Fight: Taking on Big Oil in Ecuadornew
Pablo Fajardo is the David in a David and Goliath-esque case pitting Ecuadorian Indians and mestizos against major American oil companies.
Eugene Weekly |
Natalie Miller and Camilla Mortensen |
08-13-2009 |
Tags: Amazon, Pablo Fajardo, rainforest, Texaco, environment, business, pollution, international, Chevron, Ecuador, Big Oil
Memo to McCain: Offshore Drilling Won't Reduce Gas Pricesnew
McCain -- who has accepted more than $1 million from Big Oil donors -- is hoping that voters who are outraged by the high cost of gas will support his desire to find new domestic sources of oil and natural gas. But according to the "official energy statistics" from the federal government's Energy Information Administration, there isn't enough oil in the "off-limits" offshore areas to make a dent in world supplies or the cost of gas.
Shepherd Express |
Lisa Kaiser |
07-25-2008 |