AltWeeklies Wire
Ex-Tory PM Condemns Canadian Arts Cutsnew
Former prime minister Joe Clark is calling the federal government's decision to cut a prominent arts program "a big mistake."
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jeremy Klaszus and Adrian Morrow |
09-04-2008 |
Violent South American Thieves are Stealing Millions in Precious Gemsnew

For years, South Florida has been one of the worst areas in the nation for jewelry theft. Now the South American Theft Group Intelligence Network wants to join law enforcement agencies in taking on gangs of illegal Colombian immigrants terrorizing jewelers across the US with near-impunity.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Brantley Hargrove |
09-03-2008 |
Would Drilling for Oil Off Florida's Gulf Coast Lower Fuel Prices?new
Why wouldn't it? Just pump that stuff out and ship it a few short miles over to gas stations in Tampa Bay, ready to dispense at our local convenience stores. How cheap would that be?
Creative Loafing (Tampa) |
Wayne Garcia |
09-03-2008 |
Delma Mercado Steals from the Poor to Pay Her Mortgagenew
Like so many other Americans these days, Delma Mercado let her mortgage get the best of her. Unlike most other estados-unidenses, she dreamed up a seemingly rock-solid solution to her financial woes. One problem: It involved stealing rent from the poorest tenants in Hialeah, Fla.
Miami New Times |
Tim Elfrink |
08-25-2008 |
Inflation's Bad, But it Could Be Worsenew
Although consumer inflation is at a 17-year high, historically high oil prices are not necessarily to blame. In fact, high oil prices, the economic slowdown and the Chinese work in tandem to keep inflation from becoming even worse.
Shepherd Express |
Ken Reibel |
08-22-2008 |
Could You Survive on the New Minimum Wage?new
How a single parent with two children in the Triangle could survive -- or not -- on the bare minimum.
Recessionomics: Why Did My Mortgage Payments Go Up So Much?new
If you are like many people, you have a fixed-rate mortgage, which means that your principal and interest totals don't change from year to year. Then why did your mortgage payments seem to jump $300-$500 more in 2008? Blame our friend Mr. Escrow, and his pesky pals Mr. Rising Homeowners Insurance and Mrs. Out-of-Control Property Taxes.
Creative Loafing (Tampa) |
Wayne Garcia |
08-14-2008 |
Living on Scrap: How Two Men Found Their Calling in the Garbagenew

The skyrocketing market for metal is turning into a boom for scrappers, guys who roam the streets searching for metal they can pile into their truck haul to the scrap yard for cold hard cash. Despite having led hard lives and having checkered pasts, Greg and Ron are now making an honest go of it as scrappers.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Isaiah Thompson |
08-05-2008 |
Is It Open Season on the 401(k)?new
In yet another troubling sign for the U.S. economy, more Americans are borrowing against their 401(k) retirement plans to make ends meet. What's more, some banks are making it easier by offering people debit cards that tap into their retirement funds.
Shepherd Express |
Ken Reibel |
08-01-2008 |
Floyd Gessner, the 5 Million Mile Mannew

At 76 and with more than 40 years at the same company, Floyd has no plans to retire. He speculates that he's driven between 4 and 5 million miles. To put that in perspective: Earth's circumference at the equator is 24,902 miles. Floyd has effectively driven around the world at least 180 times.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Matthew Schniper |
08-01-2008 |
Goldman Sachs Paints Picture of Changing World Ordernew
You have to hand it to the economics team at Goldman Sachs. It came up with the concept of the "BRICs": the four big economies, in Brazil, Russia, India, and China, which were going to catch up with and then overtake the big economies of the developed world. More recently, they added the "Next Eleven": middle-sized developing countries like Turkey, Indonesia, and Mexico that will also grow fast enough to overtake their old-rich counterparts in the next generation.
The Georgia Straight |
Gwynne Dyer |
07-31-2008 |
As We Enter Year 8 of Recession, Will Anyone Act to Prevent a Depression?
Forget the experts. They think telling the grisly truth about the state of the U.S. economy could make things even worse -- and they're probably right. But Americans know the truth.
Does Anyone Know Why Our Gas Prices are So High?new
Greg Brenzel finally left the gas business in October, 35 years after his family opened its first Chevron station in Louisville. It wasn't so much his choice, he says, as Chevron's: The supplier priced Brenzel out of business.
LEO Weekly |
Stephen George |
07-14-2008 |
Mom-and-pop Stores Duke It Out with Giant Chains and Recessionnew
The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce is considering launching a "Buy Local" campaign in the fall to encourage people to spend money with Pasadena businesses, particularly in the crucial and rapidly approaching holiday season.
Pasadena Weekly |
Carl Kozlowski |
07-14-2008 |
Activist Hits the Seats at the Rose Bowl to Raise Funds for Outward Boundnew
Starting from the nosebleed section and spiraling down to the most highly coveted seats at the Rose Bowl, 56-year-old activist Jim "Mouth" Purol will not stop sitting and standing until his sweaty backside has touched all 92,542 seats.
Pasadena Weekly |
Liz Hedrick |
07-14-2008 |