AltWeeklies Wire

How Local Business Stops the Brain Drainnew

It is no coincidence that the "cool" cities where young workers want to live are filled with vibrant communities of locally owned businesses where they can hang out even if they're paying their dues in a boring workplace.
Jackson Free Press  |  Valerie Wells  |  04-05-2012  |  Business & Labor

Local or Not? A Brief Guide to Whether 'Detroit' Brands Are Really from Detroitnew

It's not always easy knowing for certain what's local and what's not. Part of it depends on how you want to define the term. In reality, there's a spectrum of what qualifies as local, with the purest light coming from those companies that are locally owned with local manufacturing facilities.
Metro Times  |  Curt Guyette  |  08-25-2009  |  Business & Labor

Colorado's Souvenirs Suck. Why Can't We Buy Mile High?new

Sure, it will take some effort to sort through the possible wares for a Colorado-centric shop, but compiling an inventory of our homegrown businesses and talents might be a good use of time in these tough times.
Westword  |  Patricia Calhoun  |  05-04-2009  |  Business & Labor

Mom-and-pop Stores Duke It Out with Giant Chains and Recessionnew

The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce is considering launching a "Buy Local" campaign in the fall to encourage people to spend money with Pasadena businesses, particularly in the crucial and rapidly approaching holiday season.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Carl Kozlowski  |  07-14-2008  |  Economy

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