AltWeeklies Wire
How Local Business Stops the Brain Drainnew

It is no coincidence that the "cool" cities where young workers want to live are filled with vibrant communities of locally owned businesses where they can hang out even if they're paying their dues in a boring workplace.
Jackson Free Press |
Valerie Wells |
04-05-2012 |
Business & Labor
Eating Locally — Still Goodnew

The five biggest myths people use to discredit the local-food movement ... and why they're wrong.
Gambit |
Jill Richardson |
12-12-2011 |
Amazon To Cock-Block Local Businesses This Holiday Seasonnew

Internet instant gratification behemoth Amazon is telling hopeful consumers to go into local retailers and photograph inventory prices in exchange for a paltry 5 percent discount (up to $5) on Amazon-equivalent products.
Nashville Scene |
Jonathan Meador |
12-07-2011 |
Business & Labor
The Local Food Revolutionnew

A local food revolution is quietly unfolding in Boulder County. It’s a revolution aimed at rebuilding this region’s capacity to feed its own people, to ensure food security and food sovereignty for all.
Boulder Weekly |
Michael Brownlee |
03-28-2011 |
The Seedy Side of Localnew

When phony farmers threaten the integrity of farmers markets.
Boise Weekly |
Guy Hand |
02-03-2011 |
Tags: Buy Local, Farmers Markets
Buying Local Is Not A Fad, But A New Way Of Lifenew

A month ago, I embarked on a project. I was buying and eating local for 30 days and writing about it on my blog.
Charleston City Paper |
Stephanie Barna |
11-29-2010 |
Tags: Buy Local
All in the Family: Independent Restaurants in Edmonton Band Togethernew
Jessie Radies is the driving force behind Original Fare, made up of a select group of some of Edmonton’s best known independent restaurants. The success of Original Fare, which Radies founded six years ago, begat a blossoming group of similar keep-it-local organizations.
SEE Magazine |
Maurice Tougas |
04-19-2010 |
Tags: Buy Local, Jessie Radies
'Localist Movements in a Global Economy' Explores Localism's Meaning, Potential and Challengesnew
David Hess has marshaled the intellectual arguments for localism using history, present success stories, and economic arguments. It is precisely in answering questions from friends and enemies that Hess' book is important.
East Bay Express |
Jay Youngdahl |
09-09-2009 |
Localwashing: The Corporate Co-Opt of Localnew

With Americans' new focus on buying products made close to home, corporations are moving quickly to co-opt the term "local." But if everything is local, is anything local?
Gambit |
Stacy Mitchell |
07-16-2009 |
Business & Labor