AltWeeklies Wire
Eating Locally — Still Goodnew

The five biggest myths people use to discredit the local-food movement ... and why they're wrong.
Gambit |
Jill Richardson |
12-12-2011 |
Loco for Locavore: 9 Ways to Taste the Food of the Futurenew

In a world where big brand mayo companies are pushing their locavore roots, we've got to cut through the noise. To help you freshen up your locavore diet we're feeding you nine freshly-picked ideas that source no further than 100 miles from your front door and grow as close 10 feet from your back steps.
NOW Magazine |
Adria Vasil |
04-19-2011 |
Why is Dallas City Hall Trying to Bury the Burgeoning Farmers Market Movement?new

How many people in Dallas know that our downtown farmers market is outclassed and outperformed by the farmers market in Detroit? Or that Dallas is way deeper into government control and regulation of farmers markets than Detroit?
Dallas Observer |
Jim Schutze |
12-28-2009 |
Inside Chicago's Charcuterie Undergroundnew

The charcuterie resistance is growing. Professional restaurant chefs without legal licensing or dedicated facilities cure their own meats out of view of the health inspectors all the time.
Chicago Reader |
Mike Sula |
11-30-2009 |
Scaling Up the Local Food Economy Depends on Finding Regular Buyersnew

On a recent flight between Santa Fe and Portland, Ore., my peanut and cracker offerings struck me as particularly pathetic. What if, I wondered, airlines picked up exciting and regionally characteristic snacks each time planes stopped in different locations?
Santa Fe Reporter |
Zane Fischer |
10-29-2009 |
A Quiet Canadian City & the First Local Food Foray on the Continentnew
Markham -- an affluent and multicultural city of 300,000, but still close to farmland -- is going back to the future, and is well on its way to becoming Canada's first post-exurban eco-city. In June, the city becomes the first in North America to steer its food services toward local, sustainable and fair trade purchases.
NOW Magazine |
Wayne Roberts |
06-16-2008 |
UVA Dining Hall Adds Local, Organic Food to the Mixnew
Serena Weaver interned this semester for UVA dining supplier Aramark, helping the company include more local and organic fare at the University.
C-Ville Weekly |
Jayson Whitehead |
04-30-2008 |
Tensions Between Fair-Trade and Local-First Movements Increasenew

Can today's moral standard be reconciled with the one from a few years ago? Is it possible to eat local and support farmers in developing countries? And should that be the goal in the first place?
Charleston City Paper |
Eric Blair |
04-30-2008 |
School Garden Programs Hope to Change Kids' Relationship with Foodnew
If there's a downside to teaching children how to nurture a green, nutritious school garden, it's hard to fathom. The list of touted benefits is lengthy: students reap fresh air and physical exercise, hands-on participation, awareness of the natural environment, so called "school bonding," and an unprecedented taste for raw spinach.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Dina Maccabee |
04-16-2008 |
Some Locavores Go for the 100-Yard, Rather than 100-Mile, Dietnew
"Chickens fill an important spot in the cycle of a sustainable backyard"
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Nicole Gluckstern |
04-09-2008 |
The Dirty, Delicious Workings of CSAsnew

When you buy into a community-supported agriculture (CSA) system, you're buying groceries before they've grown. In early spring, you hand over a chunk of change (usually between $400 and $600) to a local farm in exchange for a "share," about six months' worth of produce for four people.
Dig Boston |
Ryan Rose Weaver |
03-05-2008 |
Tags: csa, local food
Gardening in a Season of Changenew
Chef Boy Ari discusses the relationship between global warming and gardening with author Bill McKibben.
Missoula Independent |
Ari LeVaux |
03-22-2007 |