AltWeeklies Wire

Will Ron Sims Be Able to Deliver What Seattle Housing Advocates Want?new

Local housing and community-development groups are attaching a boatload of hopes to Ron Sims' appointment as Deputy Secretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, at a time when the federal government is already operating deep in the red.
Seattle Weekly  |  Laura Onstot  |  02-10-2009  |  Housing & Development

The '08 Election Made ACORN a Household Name, but At What Cost?new

Although ACORN has spent the last 38 years helping low- and middle-income families with problems as big as home foreclosures and as small as neighborhood speed bumps, for many Americans the 2008 campaign marked the first time they’d ever heard of it.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  12-18-2008  |  Politics

In Florida, If You Don't Own It, You Can't Save Itnew

While other states grant municipalities the right to go over the heads of private property owners in designating landmarks, Florida's law protects property owners from just that sort of thing. "Florida is a super-private property rights state," says city lawyer Karen Consalo. "We're very conservative like that."
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  12-04-2008  |  Housing & Development

After the Crash, There's Little Recourse for Those Wronged by WaMunew

The problem for plaintiffs in suits against WaMu is who to go after now. Rob Williamson, an attorney who filed a class-action suit against WaMu over what he claims were hidden and excessive fees, puts it this way: "The defendant no longer exists."
Seattle Weekly  |  Nina Shapiro  |  12-02-2008  |  Economy

More Than 9,000 Minnesotans are Homeless. I Decided to Join Them for a Weeknew

I don't claim to have experienced homelessness at its most hopeless, its most real, nor do I intend to trivialize the travails that go along with it. Nevertheless, it's hoped that this diary will provide a window into day-to-day affairs, maybe even practical advice for those who may soon find themselves battling the real thing.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Matt Snyders  |  12-01-2008  |  Housing & Development

Vermont's Second-Home Market Hits the Skidsnew

In an economic downturn, the vacation-home market is more adversely affected than the primary-housing market, for the obvious reason that vacation homes are luxury items. And, since Vermont has one of the highest state rates of vacation homes in the nation, the state has been taking it on the chin.
Seven Days  |  Ken Picard  |  11-21-2008  |  Housing & Development

Why Are 'Green' Apartments So Rare in D.C.?new

"People say they want green, but they still want their SUV," says the CEO of "People want green when it comes to condominium apartments -- if they can have everything else for the same amount, they'll take it. But they often don't choose it."
Washington City Paper  |  Ruth Samuelson  |  11-20-2008  |  Housing & Development

One Philly 'Hood Debates How Best to Develop Abandoned Propertynew

Instead of allowing someone to develop empty lots and buildings in the neighborhood, the Norris Square Civic Association has held on to much of it. Sometimes, caught in the slow process of trying to do development on its own, it allows parcels ripe for renovation to languish.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Andrew Thompson  |  11-18-2008  |  Housing & Development

Seattle's Foreclosure Vulturesnew

A crashing housing market is just another profit opportunity for some scavengers.
Seattle Weekly  |  Nina Shapiro  |  11-17-2008  |  Economy

How Obama Can Become the President for Citiesnew

Here's what the president-elect's task could be: He could so shape federal policies on energy, infrastructure, transportation, housing, and environment that the 60-year trend toward suburbanization could change, such that the city once again becomes the focus of human activity in this country.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  11-10-2008  |  Commentary

Tumbleweed is a Rolling Home That Gathers No Mossnew

Jay Shafer and his friend Gregory Johnson have been driving down the West Coast preaching the tiny-house gospel, pulling the house behind them on a trailer.
L.A. Weekly  |  Gendy Alimurung  |  11-07-2008  |  Housing & Development

The Battle for Black Bear Crossingnew

Tsuu T'ina elders fight for their homes in Black Bear Crossing, a former military housing complex on the border of Calgary's city limits
Fast Forward Weekly  |  Jeremy Klaszus  |  10-30-2008  |  Housing & Development

Contemplating a Charlotte Without Wachovia or Bank of Americanew

Why are we building a center city for the future on a banking industry model of stability that died in the 1980s?
Creative Loafing (Charlotte)  |  Tara Servatius  |  10-21-2008  |  Economy

A Foreclosure Shell Game in Baltimorenew

Seven neighbors, 11 foreclosures, and more than a million dollars' profit in one neighborhood.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Edward Ericson Jr.  |  10-07-2008  |  Economy

Home Sweet Parking Lotnew

When a workingman doesn't have a home in Johnson County, a Wal-Mart parking lot is the next best thing.
The Pitch  |  Nadia Pflaum  |  09-09-2008  |  Housing & Development

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