AltWeeklies Wire
Homeless veterans in Winston-Salem find opportunities for housing
Teri Hairston, a program assistant for United Way of Forsyth County, made a triumphant entrance into a conference room at Bethesda Center for the Homeless waving a survey.
YES! Weekly |
Jordan Green |
08-02-2012 |
Tags: Homelessness, homeless veterans
Affordable Housing Out Of Reach For Most Rentersnew
If you’re working a minimum wage job in America, where can you afford to live? Other than your parents’ basement, the answer is simple: Nowhere. That’s according to “Out of Reach 2012,” the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s most recent version of its annual report.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
06-18-2012 |
Vet Homelessness Jumps in 2012 Countnew

Homelessness, as captured on the night of Jan. 25, 2012 in Indianapolis, increased over 5 percent from the count advocates completed in January 2011. The story is much bleaker for veterans.
Rebecca Townsend |
06-13-2012 |
Q&A: HIV/AIDS housing in Indianapolisnew

Big changes are underway in the way people living with HIV/AIDS will receive the services necessary for them to live well in Indy.
Rebecca Townsend |
04-02-2012 |
Civil Liberties
On the street with AIDSnew

Indianapolis service providers have made unprecedented strides in collaborative outreach.
Homeless on the Baynew

A growing number of homeless people are taking up illegal residence on off-anchor boats -- and some say their presence is causing increased environmental pollution and crime.
East Bay Express |
Amina Waheed |
03-14-2012 |
Georgia Bungled Response to Downtown Homeless Campnew

Governor should focus on addressing barriers that cause homelessness
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Chuck Bowen |
01-18-2012 |
Tags: Homelessness, Homeless in Atlanta
Homelessness in Indianapolisnew

Horizon House's John Joanette estimates between 4,500 and 7,500 people in Marion County experience homelessness every year.
Nathan Brown |
01-18-2012 |
Tags: Homelessness, Indiana Homeless
Hospitality for the Homelessnew

Downtown Orlando church turns front porch into shelter for growing number of homeless.
Orlando Weekly |
Erin Sullivan |
12-30-2011 |
Disenfranchised: Homeless Occupiers Back on the Streetnew

Now that Occupy Eugene has been evicted, homeless youth are back on the street.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
12-26-2011 |
Last-Minute Gift Idea: Build a Homeless Shelternew

Crisis Ministries is $1.2M short of fundraising goal.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
12-23-2011 |
Tags: Homelessness, Crisis Ministries
The Archeology of Homelessnessnew

What does homelessness look like? A slideshow on the archaeology of the homeless in Indianapolis.
Nathan Brown |
12-16-2011 |
Down and Outnew

The homeless search for their place in post-Occupy Philadelphia.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Isaiah Thompson |
12-13-2011 |
Sacramento Tent City Returnsnew

Two years after Oprah, another homeless encampment pops up in downtown Sacramento.
Sacramento News & Review |
Nick Miller |
12-07-2011 |
School Districts Report Upswing in Homeless Studentsnew

Kristina Martinez is well dressed, articulate, and passionate about her chosen profession. As a newly minted teacher with a certificate in special education from Texas A&M University - San Antonio, she had high hopes for herself and her daughter, now eight years old.
San Antonio Current |
Scott Andrews |
11-23-2011 |
Tags: Homelessness, Homeless Students