AltWeeklies Wire
Access Deniednew

Systematic statewide abuse of Oregon public records laws thwarts the people's right to know.
Eugene Weekly |
Alex V. Cipolle |
05-31-2016 |
Civil Liberties
Somebody's Watching Younew

We live in a surveillance state. Oregonians may not realize the ways in which law enforcement can already spy on them, in at least one case to a degree unmatched in any other state.
Willamette Week |
Nigel Jaquiss |
12-17-2015 |
Civil Liberties
Apathy Made Visiblenew

In Eugene, Oregon — home of the University of Oregon and the Ducks and counterculture — a cavalier city government is chipping away at public space, one city square at a time.
Eugene Weekly |
Alex V. Cipolle |
11-24-2015 |
Civil Liberties
Viral-video cop named in North Bay federal lawsuitnew

David Rodriguez was already part of a federal lawsuit over unlawful search-and-seizure practices in Rohnert Park when he unholstered his service revolver in July and asked Don McComas if he was some kind of "crazy constitutionalist guy or something."
North Bay Bohemian |
Tom Gogola |
09-24-2015 |
Civil Liberties
The Unbearable Heaviness of Adulthoodnew
According to The Sentencing Project, black youth are twice as likely to be arrested than white youth, something that affected me even as a minor, and though 58 percent of black youth are sent to adult prisons, it's scary to think that being sentenced to a juvenile detention center is no longer an option for me.
Jackson Free Press |
Adria Walker |
08-07-2015 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: the sentencing project
Trail of Tears: The Burial of Rexdale Henrynew
Rexdale Wayne Henry was buried in the Bogue Chitto community near Philadelphia, Miss., on July 28, leaving a cloud of uncertainty over how he died. Police aren’t helping clear up that confusion by not releasing a cause of death.
Jackson Free Press |
Zachary Oren Smith and Imani Khayyam |
08-07-2015 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: trail of tears
Why ‘Black Lives Matter’ Mattersnew
It's a very serious assertion that the country needs to value the lives of non-white people as highly as it values those of whites. Likewise, it needs to value the lives of those who live in poverty and work to improve the situation for all Americans.
Jackson Free Press |
Todd Stauffer |
05-21-2015 |
Civil Liberties
Counter-Terrorism Officials Helped Track Black Lives Matter Protestersnew

A cache of California Highway Patrol emails provides a glimpse into how anti-terrorism agents helped law enforcement officials monitor Black Lives Matter protesters on the web.
East Bay Express |
Darwin BondGraham |
04-15-2015 |
Civil Liberties
You Gotta Fight For Your Right To Record The Policenew

Meet the crusaders battling for everyone's right to record cops in Massachusetts.
Dig Boston |
Andrew Quemere |
04-10-2015 |
Civil Liberties
The Pen Respondsnew

In the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attack, we asked local cartoonists if they'd like to respond by taking their pen to paper.
North Coast Journal |
Thadeus Greenson |
01-20-2015 |
Civil Liberties
To Be or Not to Be Charlienew

Pushing the borderlines of free expression.
Eugene Weekly |
Laeitita Béraud and Andy Singer |
01-20-2015 |
Civil Liberties
This is What Democracy Looks Likenew

A new generation of activists emerges from the turmoil of the Ferguson and New York grand jury decisions.
Baltimore City Paper |
Baynard Woods |
12-10-2014 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: ferguson
Mississippi: The Next Stage for Progressivism?new
The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s began with black students' protest at the Woolworth lunch counter in Greensboro, N.C. Mississippi later became its most heated battleground. Is Mississippi the next stage for today's movement of progressive activism?
Jackson Free Press |
Joe Atkins |
09-18-2014 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: mississippi
Time to Reset, White Folksnew
What's happening in Ferguson isn't pretty, but it had to happen: Police and everyday people cannot keep killing black people for minor, or no, crimes and expect our citizens of color to just keep taking it. That practice came to a violent head 50 years ago this summer, and it is again now.
Jackson Free Press |
Donna Ladd |
08-22-2014 |
Civil Liberties
One Night in Fergusonnew
Ferguson has drawn people from all over the country. A handful of people also reportedly flew in from overseas. I traveled to Ferguson with three activists from Jackson.
Jackson Free Press |
R.L. Nave |
08-22-2014 |
Civil Liberties