AltWeeklies Wire
Medicine Mannew

Award-winning Eugene grower Adam Jacques leads the way for medical cannabis.
Eugene Weekly |
Rick Levin |
01-15-2016 |
What Went Wrongnew

Was over-reliance on federal funding the downfall of the Colorado health co-op?
Boulder Weekly |
Angela K. Evans |
01-15-2016 |
Should we fix the jails or get addicts out of them?new

The death of a North Carolina woman, who had recently been incarcerated in a local jail, highlights how many addicts across the nation lack access to medication-assisted therapy while in detention awaiting trial, and raises the question as to whether jail is the appropriate place for addicts, particularly pregnant women.
Triad City Beat |
Jordan Green |
11-24-2015 |
Veterans Helping Veterans...Sometimesnew

It appears a dysfunctional board may have been central to the breakdown of Longmont organization Veterans Helping Veterans Now.
Boulder Weekly |
Caitlin Rockett |
11-05-2015 |
What Went Wrong: An Addict’s Jail Stay Ends in Deathnew

Addicted to pain pills and pregnant, Jen McCormack landed in jail. 21 days later, she was dead.
Triad City Beat |
Jordan Green |
09-30-2015 |
Out of the Darknessnew

Did people in the Dark Ages suspect they were living in the Dark Ages? It’s tempting, considering recent circumstances — the endless mass shootings, the warehousing of the mentally ill in jails and prisons, the preponderance of the sick, homeless and addicted in Eugene — to tumble into despair over the state of mental health in this society.
Eugene Weekly |
Rick Levin |
09-29-2015 |
Into the Institutionnew

As citizens struggle with mental illness, health care providers struggle with how to help them. Does Oregon's new state hospital mean that yet again we turn to institutions rather than community care?
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen and Rick Levin |
09-24-2015 |
In Illinois Prisons, Getting Sick Can be a Death Sentencenew

Health care in Illinois prisons is so poor that it constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, a court-appointed panel of experts has found.
Illinois Times |
Bruce Rushton |
06-25-2015 |
The Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Can Bring On Depression, PTSDnew

Mental health experts warn that the stories and images from the federal flood can be harmful.
Tags: anniversary
The Thief in the Nightnew
Men and women should get a colonoscopy beginning at age 50 so they can live a long, healthy life.
Jackson Free Press |
Dr. Timothy Quinn |
05-21-2015 |

Are New Mexico’s political leaders impeding the Affordable Care Act’s progress at home?
Santa Fe Reporter |
Joey Peters |
02-25-2015 |
Is OxyCide Making Hospitals Cleaner or Is It a Health Hazard?new

This new hospital disinfectant is designed to stop the spread of infection, but it may be making the employees who handle it sick in the process.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Rebecca Nuttall |
02-19-2015 |
Tags: Health
The Man Who Eradicated Smallpox Is Worriednew

Though health professionals have tried to debunk fears about vaccines — including the discredited argument that they cause autism — fewer kids are getting vaccinated.
Colorado Springs Independent |
J. Adrian Stanley |
02-19-2015 |
How To Die In Californianew

Brittany Maynard's high-profile death may help usher in a right-to-die option for terminally ill patients in the Golden State.
Sacramento News & Review |
Melinda Welsh |
01-22-2015 |
Tags: right to die
From Medical to Midwifenew

Birthing at home goes against our medically structured cultural norms.
VUE Weekly |
Rebecca Medel |
12-12-2014 |