AltWeeklies Wire

Stop This Nuclear Insanitynew

Safe or not, Fukushima contamination showing up in Vermont is a stark reminder that we all live on a little planet, and like it or not, there is no escaping this global society.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  04-18-2011  |  Commentary

Vermont's Colleges are Underreporting Sexual Assaultsnew

A review of statistics filed by Vermont’s institutions of higher learning in the past decade suggests that the number of sexual assaults they report to the government is far lower than the number that actually occur.
Seven Days  |  Ken Picard  |  04-02-2010  |  Crime & Justice

Burlington Realtor Jessica Bridge Wants to Make You Happynew

Jessica Bridge knows nearly everybody. And just about everybody in Burlington seems to know her. If you haven’t yet had the pleasure of making Bridge’s acquaintance, sit tight. At some point, someone will recommend her.
Seven Days  |  Lauren Ober  |  03-12-2010  |  Housing & Development

Buy an Island: A County's Priciest Property Listing is in the Middle of Converse Baynew

With their children grown, the owners of a Vermont island retreat have put it on the market at a price as big as the bathtub once used by President Taft: $7.9 million. The estate’s $19,652 yearly property tax bill is just as eye-popping.
Seven Days  |  Andy Bromage  |  03-12-2010  |  Housing & Development

Vermont Legislators Admit Cheating the System... Are They Justified?new

State Rep. David Zuckerman (P-Burlington) has a confession to make that might sound to some like political suicide. He bills taxpayers for his “mileage” to and from the Statehouse — as much as $152 a week — even on days when he gets a ride with fellow lawmakers or lobbyists.
Seven Days  |  Andy Bromage  |  02-05-2010  |  Politics

Will a New Vermont Free Speech Law Protect Website Owners from a Powerful Religious Sect?new

The Exclusive Brethren is suing the owners of a website that serves excommunicated believers. Will Vermont's new anti-SLAPP statute protect them?
Seven Days  |  Andy Bromage  |  11-04-2009  |  Religion

Getting By: Vermont Thrift-Seekers Practice Glean Livingnew

The process of culling leftovers from farmers' fields, called gleaning, is as old as agriculture itself. Several Bible passages actually mandate that growers leave the last bits of the harvest for "the poor and the stranger."
Seven Days  |  Suzanne Podhaizer  |  10-05-2009  |  Food+Drink

Homeland Security Wants Eminent Domain Over a Vermont Farm at the Bordernew

The federal government may invoke the doctrine of eminent domain to appropriate as much as 10.5 acres of the Rainvilles' cropland, which an impact study calls "negligible." Brian Rainville, son of farm owner Clement Rainville, says those acres are essential to the small dairy farm's livelihood.
Seven Days  |  Lauren Ober  |  10-05-2009  |  Housing & Development

Did Vermont State Troopers Go Too Far When They Shot a Paranoid Schizophrenic?new

What really happened the night Joe Fortunati was killed in June 2006 may never be entirely clear. The only first-hand accounts come from the Vermont state police troopers at the scene, nine of whom are now defendants in a federal lawsuit accusing them of using excessive force and covering up key details of the case.
Seven Days  |  Andy Bromage  |  09-11-2009  |  Crime & Justice

The New GI Bill Lands Scores of Combat Vets on Vermont's College Campusesnew

The Veterans Administration estimates that by 2011 more than a quarter-million U.S. service members will have enrolled in college under the new GI Bill, the most generous educational assistance program for vets since FDR signed the first one in 1944.
Seven Days  |  Ken Picard  |  08-28-2009  |  Education

New Hampshire Transplants Live Free -- or Die Tryingnew

They're digging up public squares. They're smoking pot and baring breasts. And they openly carry guns. New Hampshire residents are divided as to whether the Free State Project is a godsend or a nuisance.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Faraone  |  08-27-2009  |  Civil Liberties

At Vermont's Biggest Auction of the Year, Another Dairy Family Calls it Quitsnew

Ken and Carol Borland are among the many victims of Vermont's flagging dairy industry. In the past five years, the state has lost 250 dairy farms. In the last 12 months, 50 Vermont dairy producers have gone out of business.
Seven Days  |  Lauren Ober  |  08-17-2009  |  Business & Labor

Vermont Restaurants Struggle With the Packaging Issuenew

Nearly everybody gets food "wrapped up to go" at some point. And eco-conscious diners judge restaurants on their packaging. But when options include Styrofoam, aluminum, corn, bamboo and recyclable plastic, the decision is anything but easy.
Seven Days  |  Suzanne Podhaizer  |  06-26-2009  |  Food+Drink

Who Makes the Rules for Vermont's Earth-Friendly Homes?new

As more Vermonters seek sustainable homes, who makes the rules, and certifies the results?
Seven Days  |  Ken Picard  |  06-26-2009  |  Housing & Development

Can Vermont Towns Tell Registered Sex Offenders Where to Live?new

Convicted sex offender Chris Hagan is suing the town of Barre over its ordinance prohibiting sex offenders from living within 1000 feet of schools and recreation facilities such as parks and playgrounds.
Seven Days  |  Sally West Johnson  |  06-19-2009  |  Crime & Justice

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