AltWeeklies Wire
What Your Professor Did Over Summer Vacationnew

College profs answer the dreaded back-to-school question.
Seven Days |
Carolyn Fox |
08-26-2011 |
Tags: College, Back to School
Abject Professorsnew

With low pay and even lower collegiate expectations, part-time instructors face a full-time problem.
Las Vegas CityLife |
Gigi Generaux |
05-16-2011 |
Is a College Education for Everyone?new
A university education is a great thing, a combination of experience and achievement that brings with it the promise of tremendous rewards. But is it something everyone should strive for? The question can be troubling.
The Athens NEWS |
Matt Zuefle |
03-06-2010 |
Mighty Mighty Bosstones Bassist Tackles New Gig: Teaching College Studentsnew
Joe Gittleman was hired earlier this year to teach in the college's Music Business and Industry degree program, which focuses on what goes on behind the scenes rather than on the stage, covering both technical fields such as lighting design and sound engineering, and more service-oriented disciplines such as band management and venue operations.
Seven Days |
Dan Bolles |
09-23-2009 |
The New GI Bill Lands Scores of Combat Vets on Vermont's College Campusesnew

The Veterans Administration estimates that by 2011 more than a quarter-million U.S. service members will have enrolled in college under the new GI Bill, the most generous educational assistance program for vets since FDR signed the first one in 1944.
Seven Days |
Ken Picard |
08-28-2009 |
College Guide 2009: Get Schooled!new
Our extraordinary league of student interns helmed this year's issue -- from setting up photo shoots on soul-crushing deadlines to conjuring up a rock-solid ad campaign to researching and writing every single word of wisdom in these pages. Finally, the intern -- that most overworked and unsung hero of the newsroom -- gets some much-deserved glory.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Staff |
08-25-2009 |
College Guide: Stoner Food 101new
Mom thinks the Dining Plan will fully feed her beloved scholar. What Mom doesn't know is that they're too stoned to get to the dining hall and are subsisting on Nutella.
North Bay Bohemian |
Gretchen Giles |
08-20-2009 |
College Guide: Dorm Room Etiquettenew
Four simple rules about sharing a 5x5 space with a total stranger.
North Bay Bohemian |
Cassandra Landry |
08-20-2009 |
College Guide: College During a Recession is as Bad as it Seemsnew

Four students, ranging from junior college to the just-graduated, weigh in on how the college experience is different during a recession.
North Bay Bohemian |
Daniel Hirsch, Jackie Johansen, Cassandra Landry and Denis Lindsay |
08-20-2009 |
Forget Ramen: Starving College Students Should Turn to Rice and Beansnew

For me, beans and rice, two simple ingredients, brought together by the currents of history, became a dorm room staple. Over the years, I have perfected a variety of rice and bean dishes; to help starving students, I thought I'd pass a few along.
Charleston City Paper |
Jeff Allen |
08-19-2009 |
'Harvard Beats Yale 29-29': For a Moment, Football Was the Worldnew
Forty years later, players remember the Harvard-Yale game of 1968 in the context of a nation in turmoil.
Chicago Reader |
J.R. Jones |
02-23-2009 |
Tags: football, College, history, documentary, 1960s, Harvard, Harvard Beats Yale 29-29, Kevin Rafferty, Yale
Right Wingers on Campusnew
At America's colleges, even the dangerously misguided have a right to be heard.
Boston Phoenix |
Kara Baskin |
10-21-2008 |
Wiccans Go to Collegenew

Campus witches have no brooms, no bleeding goats. Just cookies. Sorry.
Boston Phoenix |
Sara Faith Alterman |
10-21-2008 |
If Journalism is Dead, Then Why Am I Teaching it to Hundreds of College Students?new
The public may have turned against traditional media but it doesn't mean they don't want news and information. The challenge now is to figure out how to earn the money to generate the information, and discover the most efficient ways to deliver it. It's a new media world and, I would argue, the most inspiring time in history to be an aspiring journalist.
Philadelphia Weekly |
G.W. Miller III |
09-08-2008 |
First Shot: 'Disaster Movie'new
This week marks the release of Disaster Movie, the umpteenth genre parody from the Friedberg-Seltzer house of knee-jerk larfs. It should be our cue to bemoan the current state of big-screen slapstick, and to argue that if David Zucker could only get back on his game, he'd show these punks who built the Airplane they're all riding on.
Orlando Weekly |
Steve Schneider |
09-04-2008 |