AltWeeklies Wire
Confederacy of Duncesnew

Compared to South Carolina, our idiots notthat bad.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte) |
John Grooms |
05-24-2013 |
Thought Bitenew

Korean War vet and retired U.S. Rep. Andy Jacobs, D-Ind., who served in Congress from 1965-1997, continues to challenge Hoosiers with his weekly mental joyride.
Andy Jacobs Jr. |
10-10-2012 |
Tags: Conservatives, The Bible
Does the Religious Right really believe equality will allow us to marry ice cream?new

"If marriage is radically redefined as a way of just affirming loving feelings of attraction, then equality will require people who love ice cream to marry ice cream." — Daniel Heimbach, senior professor of Christian ethics at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
10 Things I Saw, Heard and Learned at the Pa. Leadership Conferencenew
Liberal writer traveled to Camp Hill, PA for the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference, a conservative state meetup. Speakers included presidential candidates Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich; Herman Cain; Sen. Pat Toomey; others.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Randy LoBasso |
03-29-2012 |
Closed Door Policy: Conservative Policies Close Canada's Bordersnew

While Conservatives have spent the last five years in power publicly trying to build up their "ethnic vote," the party has also been responsible for closing Canada's doors to immigrants and refugees.
VUE Weekly |
Samantha Power |
04-25-2011 |
Are Liberals Smarter? Ask Some Recent Studiesnew
A widely debated study published in the current issue of the scientific journal Social Psychology Quarterly tries to explain why most of us attach ourselves to broad political concepts like liberalism and conservatism and embrace different social and religious values.
Arkansas Times |
Ernest Dumas |
03-04-2010 |
Dana Loesch of the Tea Party and Conservative Talk Radio, Reporting For Duty!new

Dana Loesch is nervous. Executive producer Beowulf Rochlen sent word late last night that his boss, nationally syndicated conservative radio host Michael Savage, enjoyed her fill-in on The Savage Nation five days prior: Would she like to do it again in less than 24 hours?
Riverfront Times |
Kristen Hinman |
02-26-2010 |
The New, Improved Mitt Romney is More Fiscal, Less Socialnew

it's very early in the 2012 presidential cycle, and if you ask Mitt Romney's camp, they'll profess him to be focused exclusively on helping GOP candidates this November. But make no mistake: Romney is in the process of re-launching himself for 2012.
Boston Phoenix |
David S. Bernstein |
02-11-2010 |
Will She Run For Congress? Who Cares: It Makes Good Radionew

After she promoted and appeared at local tea-party protests, grassroots conservatives began courting spitfire radio host Darla Jaye to make a run for Kansas Democrat Dennis Moore's Congressional seat.
Can a Nice-Guy Republican Convince Tennessee's Right-Wingers to Vote for Him?new
To a casual observer, it would appear that gubernatorial candidate Bill Haslam is a near-ideal politician for the general election season. But with the general election still nearly a year off, the state primary on Aug. 5, 2010, is what matters to the campaign now, or at least it should.
Metro Pulse |
Charles Maldonado |
11-20-2009 |
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann: Crazy Like a Foxnew

Many worry that her remarks are detrimental to the national Republican Party's credibility, which is why not everyone inside the GOP is thrilled at the prospect of Bachmann becoming the face of their party. Nevertheless, GOP higher-ups have shown no effort to muzzle her, which suggests she fills an important role.
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Matt Snyders |
11-18-2009 |
Ideologues Take Full Advantage of America's Amnesia About Tom Painenew
"The idea that Glenn Beck and others whose ideas are opposite to Paine's have adopted him to distort his ideas is extremely disturbing, but not surprising," writes Alaine Lowell, executive director of the Thomas Paine Society.
Pasadena Weekly |
Kevin Uhrich |
11-16-2009 |
'What Are You So Mad At?': Tea Partiers Go Grassrootsnew
With the Christian Right and the Obama Left having reinvented personal politicking for the 21st century, the old wizardry is making a comeback. After the tea parties are over and the Fox News van has skipped town, American Majority is training activists to win elections at the grassroots.
The Texas Observer |
Josh Berthume |
11-04-2009 |
Tears of a Clown: On the Glenn Beck Phenomenonnew

The ex-Top 40 disc jockey, recovering drug addict and alcoholic, convert to Mormonism and the National Rifle Association, is American popular culture at its most incomprehensibly weird and offensive. He's also a huge success, a hit, a phenomenon -- a star.
The Manipulations and Media Machine Behind the Assault on Progressive Ideasnew
The right-wing commentators' success lies partly in their ability to harness core human emotions such as paranoia or envy, says Bryant Welch, a clinical psychologist, author, and expert on political manipulation.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Rebecca Bowe and Sarah Phelan |
10-22-2009 |