AltWeeklies Wire
Dana Loesch of the Tea Party and Conservative Talk Radio, Reporting For Duty!new

Dana Loesch is nervous. Executive producer Beowulf Rochlen sent word late last night that his boss, nationally syndicated conservative radio host Michael Savage, enjoyed her fill-in on The Savage Nation five days prior: Would she like to do it again in less than 24 hours?
Riverfront Times |
Kristen Hinman |
02-26-2010 |
The Manipulations and Media Machine Behind the Assault on Progressive Ideasnew
The right-wing commentators' success lies partly in their ability to harness core human emotions such as paranoia or envy, says Bryant Welch, a clinical psychologist, author, and expert on political manipulation.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Rebecca Bowe and Sarah Phelan |
10-22-2009 |
Birth of a Blowhard: Glenn Beck in Connecticutnew

When Beck arrived at KC 101 in early 1992, he was a semi-failed, drug-and-alcohol addicted, Top-40s radio jock desperately looking for a route to stardom. By the time he left seven years later, he had figured out that talk radio was the future and conservative shtick could be revamped to serve as his escalator to fame and fortune.
Hartford Advocate |
Gregory B. Hladky |
10-21-2009 |
What's the Fuss Over the Fairness Doctrine Really About?new
The conviction that Obama's win and Democratic gains in Congress mean the impending resurrection of Fairness Doctrine, a defunct policy aimed at creating a balance in broadcasting -- is tormenting both the wing nuts and conservatism's grownups.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
11-13-2008 |
GOP Strategy: Divide and Be Conquerednew
The partisans will howl in protest, but while certainly not the only culprit, the relentless stream of invective from the right side of the dial has undeniably been a major contributor to the GOP's demise. It's no coincidence that the Republican eclipse began just when conservative talk radio found its audience.
Boston Phoenix |
Steven Stark |
11-13-2008 |
New Mexico Companies Bid Farewell to Election Dollarsnew
For the last two years, voters have been bombarded with the sights and sounds of the 2008 election, and the companies responsible for all the election collateral have been enjoying the influx of cash. But what happens for local businesses now that the campaign cash cow has been milked dry?
Santa Fe Reporter |
Mark Sanders |
11-06-2008 |
Jack Jett is The Anti-Dittoheadnew
"I think God has meant for me to be the gay version of Rush Limbaugh," explains Jack Jett about his foray into liberal talk radio in Dallas.
Dallas Observer |
Sam Merten |
09-08-2008 |
How Drugs, Deceit and Disaffection Destroyed Dallas' Most Dynamic Duo in Talk Radionew

Gregg Williams' departure imploded his high-profile, high-income career and aborted his 14-year marriage to Mike Rhyner on the highly rated Hardline. Down to its "Stay Hard" mantra, the wildly popular show was aural sex, eschewing traditional radio formats for guy talk.
Dallas Observer |
Richie Whitt |
07-15-2008 |
Should Talk-Show Hosts Who Tackle Ethnic Issues be Accused of Racism?new
Over time, the mainstream press has tended to treat race as the Great Unmentionable -- a topic so likely to stir anti-intellectual passions that it's to be avoided at all cost -- and throughout his campaign, Obama has followed suit, doing his best to usher the electorate into a post-racial era. But that's easier said than done.
Keep It Really Realnew
Former San Francisco mayor and payola kingpin Willie Brown co-hosts a new talk-radio show with lefty comedian Will Durst, Keeping It Real with Will and Willie, with endless oppportunities for comedic stupidity.