AltWeeklies Wire
Family Ties: Why One Non-Biological Parent Wants to Give Up Adoptionnew

My attorney told me that if I wanted to protect myself and my kids, I should adopt them. I wasn't entirely clear why. Did I need to adopt them because we don't share DNA? If a straight couple conceived a child using a sperm donor, would the man have to adopt the child to be considered its father?
Seven Days |
Cathy Resmer |
12-09-2009 |
Devout Catholics are Coming Out of the Closet, and San Jose's Diocese is Welcoming Themnew

Secretly, San Jose is the most gay-friendly diocese in the nation. And now, one parish wants the world to know.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Jessica Fromm |
11-20-2009 |
Boston's Most Notorious Neighborhood is Looking Gayer and Gayer Every Daynew
Thirty years ago, South Boston was an internationally recognized symbol of raging, violent intolerance. So, would you believe that Southie is now quickly becoming one of the gay-friendliest neighborhoods in Boston?
Boston Phoenix |
Erica Corsano |
10-14-2009 |
The Secret Lives of Queer Leading Mennew

How Howard Bragman, Hollywood's coming-out guru, helps gay actors tell the truth. Bragman's parents were "tolerant and accepting" when he came out in his 20s; Proposition 8 was "extremely painful"; gays and lesbians need to "call people on their shit."
L.A. Weekly |
Patrick Range McDonald |
10-09-2009 |
Following Raid on Gay Bar, the Atlanta PD Reels from Harrassment Complaintsnew

Why did police feel they needed to take down the club with the kind of force usually reserved for busting meth labs? Why did officers seem to act so unprofessionally toward the Eagle's customers, none of whom was arrested? And was the whole thing really just about sex?
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Scott Henry |
09-22-2009 |
Civil Liberties
The Ex-Gay Movement That Wasn't: Meet D.C.'s Tiniest Demographicnew

This summer, a D.C. Superior Court judge ruled that ex-gays ought to be protected under the D.C. Human Rights Act's sexual orientation clause, alongside heterosexuals, bisexuals, and gays. But are there any ex-gays in town?
Washington City Paper |
Amanda Hess |
09-10-2009 |
The Case for a Gay Marriage Vote in
Anti-gay-marriage forces have taken to advocating for a ballot initiative, hoping for a 2010 repeat of last year’s California drama. Out-of-town forces are already massing, eager to turn the nation's capital into a high-profile battleground. But despite fears, here's why D.C.'s lefties should support a gay marriage vote.
Washington City Paper |
Mike DeBonis |
09-10-2009 |
Are Gays Too Late to Destroy Marriage?new

Could it be that traditional marriage, like communism, is an outmoded social contract straining under the weight of its own inflexibility? In the final analysis, it may not be same-sex marriage, but a simple insistence to self-determine, that's causing brittle institutions of church and state to crack.
Seattle Weekly |
Kevin Phinney |
08-31-2009 |
Historic Lutheran Vote Allows Gays to Preach God's Wordnew
Lesbian Lauren Wendt, a volunteer coordinator for Goodsoil, a Lutheran group working for the full inclusion of gays and lesbians in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, can finally follow her calling into the ministry.
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Bradley Campbell |
08-26-2009 |
It's Time for the LGBT Community to Shake Off its Addiction to Democratic Panderingnew
It's up to the LGBT community to seize this momentum and put a freeze on donations to the Democrats and show them that until real progress is made, it's the Democratic Party that is going to need the help.
New York Press |
Jamaal Young |
08-20-2009 |
Are Party Girls Starting to Catch Up With the Boys When it Comes to Meth Use?new
In the early 2000s, crystal meth abuse became so rampant in San Francisco that city officials formed the Crystal Methamphetamine Task Force in 2005, which focused on the gay men's party circuit. But while the boys got the attention, the drug appears to now be taking an increased toll on women. Has focusing on men meant that women users aren't getting enough information on reducing harm?
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
C. Nellie Nelson |
08-19-2009 |
Meet the Father of Proposition 8new

As an auxiliary bishop in San Diego, Salvatore Cordileone played an indispensable role in conceiving, funding, organizing, and ultimately winning the campaign to pass Proposition 8. Shortly after the law passed, he was installed as the new Catholic bishop in Oakland.
East Bay Express |
Chris Thompson |
08-12-2009 |
'Humpday': Zack And Murray Make A Pornonew
Two straight buddies decide to give gay sex a try in Lynn Shelton's smartly written film.
SEE Magazine |
Paul Matwychuk |
08-10-2009 |
Gay Director Todd Holland's Advice to Play it Straightnew

Holland, a 47-year-old gay man who has become a success with critically acclaimed TV shows such as The Larry Sanders Show and Malcolm in the Middle, is an informal mentor to young, gay male actors. They seek his advice, he told an Outfest audience, and he routinely tells them to stay in the closet.
L.A. Weekly |
Patrick Range McDonald |
07-24-2009 |
New Romance Novel Subgenre: Gay Love & Lust, Written by Women for Womennew
A new subgenre has emerged in the escapist realm of romance novels: stories where you have two strapping, broad chests instead of one. We take a gander at two recent offerings: False Colors by Alex Beecroft and Transgressions by Erastes.
Charleston City Paper |
Greg Hambrick |
07-22-2009 |