AltWeeklies Wire

Dems Have Taken Control of Wisconsin State Gov't. Now What?new

The good news: With the new Legislature's inauguration earlier this week, state Dems now control both the Legislature and the executive branch for the first time in more than two decades. The bad news: They face the worst political and economic conditions in modern memory.
Isthmus  |  Erik Gunn  |  01-12-2009  |  Politics

How Long Will the GOP Stay in Love with Anh 'Joseph' Cao?new

The political newcomer beat embattled 18-year Democratic incumbent Bill Jefferson for a seat in Congress, but it will be interesting to see how he adapts to the ways of Washington.
Gambit  |  Clancy DuBos  |  12-16-2008  |  Commentary

Virginia's GOP Chairman Navigates Some Stormy Watersnew

Not only did the much-despised Democrats thoroughly trounce the GOP at every level in the November elections, besting Republicans at the top, bottom, middle and occasionally along all four edges of the ticket, but Jeff Frederick also attracted a great deal of negative attention for some of his pre-election antics.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Dan Catalano  |  12-10-2008  |  Commentary

Ron Paul Supporters Look to Shake Up Nevada GOP from the Insidenew

Most Republicans across the state seem to think that the GOP, rather than getting caught in the compromised waters of centrism, of keeping up against the Democrats, needs to tack right and return to limited government.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  T.R. Witcher  |  12-04-2008  |  Politics

The Republicans Take Control of the Tennessee Capitolnew

The new GOP majority is getting off to what might charitably be described as a stumbling start. In their big moment in history, they've been forced to dispute accusations that they rode to victory not on the power of their ideas, but on a wave of racism that the party helped whip up. Talk about a buzz killer.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  11-21-2008  |  Politics

Pat McCrory's Lost His Race for Governor ... What's the Fallout?new

Mayor Pat McCrory didn't lose by a huge margin in Charlotte -- 337 votes cost him Mecklenburg County. But for a man who hasn't lost a race in this city -- ever -- and has counted on support from Democratic voters, it's telling.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte)  |  Cheris Hodges  |  11-19-2008  |  Politics

Raul Martinez Beat Himself in Race to Replace Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balartnew

When Martinez returned from the Democratic National Convention in August, it seemed he had Diaz-Balart cornered. But Diaz-Balart pulled it out, in part due to an expensive, Lee Atwater-style attack campaign that made the contest less about change and more about Martinez's scandalous past.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach  |  Francisco Alvarado  |  11-18-2008  |  Politics

Election-Day Setbacks Can't Stop March of Progress for GLBT Communitynew

Yes, a mob of homophobes is still an ugly and common sight. But gay-rights-bashers' bullying tactics don't have the muscle they once did. There are more opportunities for pro-gay forces to fight back and more support when they do.
New Haven Advocate  |  Christopher Arnott  |  11-18-2008  |  LGBT

Fear of the Queer: Blacks in Florida Vote to Oppress Gaysnew

It's one of the great paradoxes in American politics. The black community, the most oppressed group in U.S. history, has traditionally comprised the most unfriendly demographic toward gays, arguably the second-most-discriminated-against group.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach  |  Bob Norman  |  11-18-2008  |  Politics

Though it May Be Tempting, There's No Time for Dems to Gloatnew

The task ahead for the Democratic Congress and President-elect Barack Obama is too monumental. Though Obama has yet to be inaugurated, the honeymoon is already over. How does one clean up after a national disaster on the scale of George W. Bush? Where do you even begin?
New Haven Advocate  |  Alan Bisbort  |  11-18-2008  |  Commentary

Tennessee Dems Blame Racism for Historic Election Lossesnew

Barack Obama changed the political map with the biggest Democratic victory since LBJ, but the election made a different kind of history in the alternate universe known as Tennessee.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  11-14-2008  |  Politics

GOP Strategy: Divide and Be Conquerednew

The partisans will howl in protest, but while certainly not the only culprit, the relentless stream of invective from the right side of the dial has undeniably been a major contributor to the GOP's demise. It's no coincidence that the Republican eclipse began just when conservative talk radio found its audience.
Boston Phoenix  |  Steven Stark  |  11-13-2008  |  Commentary

Where's the Justice for the GLBT Community?new

How many times this past week have we read -- in regard to Barack Obama's historic victory, or in reference to the passage of the anti-gay measures -- that "the long arc of history bends towards justice." This always sounds patronizing to me, like, "There, there, young fellow. Everything will be just fine. You just wait."
INDY Week  |  Steven Petrow  |  11-13-2008  |  LGBT

I've Got No Love for Seven Out of 10 Black Voters in Californianew

Yes, Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2008, was a day when you truly felt proud to be an American. But then, on Nov. 5, I read something that changed all that. I read that California's black voters favored Proposition 8 by a margin of 70 percent to 30 percent, which means seven out of 10 black voters voted against gay marriage.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Edwin Decker  |  11-12-2008  |  Commentary

Election '08: The People's Electionnew

On (almost) every level, the grassroots beat the establishment and the progressives beat the big money.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steven T. Jones and Tim Redmond  |  11-12-2008  |  Politics

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