AltWeeklies Wire
Michigan-Style Financial Bill May Still Be in the Works for Wisconsinnew

After "financial martial law" was enacted in Michigan in the midst of the Wisconsin protests over Gov. Scott Walker's anti-union agenda, questions started bubbling as to whether or not similar legislation was in the works for the Badger State.
Tags: Wisconsin, Scott Walker
Scott Walker’s Team Resists Release of Emails to Isthmusnew

Halfway through a three-hour hearing Tuesday afternoon on the lawsuit brought by Isthmus and the Wisc. Associated Press over emails received by the office of Gov. Scott Walker regarding his “budget repair bill,” Dane County Judge Patrick Fiedler made it clear he understands what is at stake.
Unions? What Unions?
Labor unions have responded to attacks with a series of poorly thought-out strategies that fed into the narrative that they were marginal and corrupt.
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
03-07-2011 |
Business & Labor
Scott Walker's Budget Also Slashes Wisconsin Arts Fundingnew

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's proposed state budget will zero out funding for the Wisconsin Arts Board and move the agency to the Department of Tourism.
Tags: Wisconsin, Scott Walker
Don't Fall for the Phony Budget Crisis
Politicians and pundits from both parties tell us that the good times are over, that we've got to start living within our means. They're lying.
Democracy Comes Home to Wisconsinnew

Starting with about 10,000 workers and their supporters at the beginning of the week, numbers swelled to nearly 40,000 by Feb. 18, the largest protests in the state since the Vietnam War era.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
02-25-2011 |
Business & Labor

All hell breaks loose as Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker runs roughshod over public employees.
Does Wisconsin's Health Insurance Overseer Actually Protect Consumers?new
Even when it does have regulatory authority, the state's Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) seems reluctant to throw its weight around. Of the 28 complaints we reviewed, in no instance did OCI instruct an insurance company to behave differently.
Isthmus |
Bill Lueders |
10-26-2009 |
Policy Issues
Wisconsin State Employee Union Says the Governor's Furlough Math is Faultynew
When Gov. Jim Doyle announced that all state employees would have to take mandatory 16-day furloughs to help balance the state budget, Diane Tieman was a little confused. The state doesn't pay her salary, so her forced vacation won't save Wisconsin taxpayers a dime
Isthmus |
Joe Tarr |
08-18-2009 |
Business & Labor
Republican Poster Boy Paul Ryannew

By becoming a spokesperson for his party, Rep. Paul Ryan risks losing support back home in Wisconsin.
David Newby Hopes to Lead Labor's Comebacknew
Wisconsin State AFL-CIO President David Newby has felt despair over the past three decades of plant closings, wage cuts and union-busting. But he's convinced the labor movement has the potential to rebound.
Isthmus |
Roger Bybee |
02-09-2009 |
Business & Labor
Independent Bookshops Chain to Close After 82 Yearsnew
Harry W. Schwartz Bookshops, one of the largest and oldest independent chains in Wisconsin, survived the Great Depression but wasn't able to overcome titanic changes in the retail sector, exacerbated by the current economic crisis.
Shepherd Express |
Evan Rytlewski |
01-23-2009 |
Embracing Green Growth: L'eft Bank Wine's Bio-Fueled Fleetnew
Whether it's in the form of government regulation, consumer demand or simply one's conscience, concern about environmental sustainability is rearranging the way we do commerce. But making a strategic transition from traditional business to green business is fraught with challenges.
Shepherd Express |
Sarah Biondich |
01-23-2009 |
Dems Have Taken Control of Wisconsin State Gov't. Now What?new
The good news: With the new Legislature's inauguration earlier this week, state Dems now control both the Legislature and the executive branch for the first time in more than two decades. The bad news: They face the worst political and economic conditions in modern memory.
Jerry Hancock Moves from Law Enforcement to Prison Ministrynew
Much of what the Rev. Jerry Hancock has to say about the criminal justice system sounds reasonable coming from a clergyman who heads a prison ministry program. But when you consider that he's spent more than 30 years as a lawyer in this system, many of them as a prosecutor, his perspective is positively stunning.
Isthmus |
Esty Dinur |
01-05-2009 |
Crime & Justice