AltWeeklies Wire
Republicans Bring Squabble to Tampanew

Several Ron Paul delegates who legitimately won at caucus have been barred from attending the Tampa convention because they refused to sign an affidavit, swearing they will vote for Romney.
Worcester Magazine |
Walter Bird and Jr. |
08-27-2012 |
Barbara Lee Gets Itnew
But why isn't there more anti-war activity from progressives? There should be.
East Bay Express |
Jay Youngdahl |
03-31-2012 |
Today’s GOP is off the deep endnew

The question used to be, "What's the matter with Kansas?" The question now is, "What's the matter with the GOP?" The two questions are related, of course...
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Editorial Board |
03-07-2012 |
Coming of Age at the CNN Debatenew

Disappointed visitors, jaded reporters, and a failed protest at the North Charleston Coliseum.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
01-20-2012 |
The Case Against Ron Paul and Candidates Who Tell It Like They See Itnew
In the world of politics, authenticity is a double-edged sword, one that a candidate wields to cut down the competition and to commit political hari-kari, the defining act of nearly every outsider candidate, from Ross Perot to Christine O'Donnell and Herman Cain.
Charleston City Paper |
Chris Haire |
01-18-2012 |
Tags: Ron Paul, Election 2012
Ron Paul's Government Guillotinenew

Ron Paul's Unique Ideas: Adopting a non-interventionist foreign policy. Making massive cuts in federal government, including the elimination of the Department of Education. Eliminating the income, capital gains, and death taxes.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
01-11-2012 |
Iowa Caucuses Predictionsnew

First things first: The candidate best positioned to win the Iowa Republican Presidential Caucuses next Tuesday is U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, who will benefit from a process that has essentially split into three contests
Why Some Iowans Love Ron Paulnew

What Paul has that Gingrich and Romney don't: the ability to "educate" his supporters.
The Strange Odyssey of the Ron Paul Tent at Occupy Phillynew

Ron Paul supporters and Occupiers make for strange bedfellows. In Philly, the rift hit a tipping point when an unknown intruder broke into the tent, stole campaign literature, and left a "steaming pile of shit" on the floor.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
11-09-2011 |
Obama can be beaten, but the GOP doesn't have anyone who can do itnew

I'll be the first liberal to admit that I've been extremely displeased with President Barack Obama and his bumbling, stumbling reign over 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Charleston City Paper |
Chris Haire |
10-17-2011 |
Ron Paul Wouldn't Actually Give Dennis Kucinich a Cabinet Postnew
U.S. News and World Report says that during a breakfast with the press Wednesday morning, Libertarian GOP Ron Paul said he'd consider giving Dennis! Kucinich a Cabinet post should Paul win the Presidency. Maybe State or Defense. The shoutout was a joke.
Cleveland Scene |
Vince Grzegorek |
09-22-2011 |
The Center Does Not Holdnew
Ron Paul gets ignored by the media after nearly winning Iowa Straw Poll.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
08-24-2011 |
Anarchy in the GOPnew

Fueled by passion, conviction and a little sage advice, young 'liberty'-lovers are threatening the establishment.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Chet Hardin |
06-23-2011 |
The Sound Money Movement Marches Onnew
Two Idaho legislators are pushing silver and gold currency. One says Idahoans should be able to pay taxes with gold or silver medallions, while the other actually makes the case that gold and silver should be just as valid as Federal Reserve notes for the purchase of everything from groceries to new cars to property.
Boise Weekly |
Zach Hagadone |
05-12-2010 |
Policy Issues
Ron Paul Supporters Look to Shake Up Nevada GOP from the Insidenew
Most Republicans across the state seem to think that the GOP, rather than getting caught in the compromised waters of centrism, of keeping up against the Democrats, needs to tack right and return to limited government.
Las Vegas Weekly |
T.R. Witcher |
12-04-2008 |