AltWeeklies Wire
Barbara Lee Gets Itnew
But why isn't there more anti-war activity from progressives? There should be.
East Bay Express |
Jay Youngdahl |
03-31-2012 |
Veterans Against War; For Screenprintingnew
A former Guantanamo Bay guard hosts an anti-war screenprinting party.
The Portland Mercury |
John Motley |
12-19-2008 |
'68 Redux: Inside the DNC, Without a Riotnew
Following a Rage Against the Machine performance, protesters and IVAW members marched to Denver's Pepsi Center to confront the Democratic nominee about the war and veterans' issues. A standoff with police ended with the admission of two IVAW reps to the convention.
San Antonio Current |
Zach Lindsey |
09-10-2008 |
Iraq Veterans Against the War Heads to D.C. to Testify Against the Warnew
The D.C. trip is IVAW's latest action in its Winter Soldier campaign, which began just more than a month ago when the group’s members gathered in Maryland to present their personal experiences to the world via satellite and streaming video on the internet, which reached more than 30,000 viewers on each day of the conference.
Philadelphia Weekly |
St. John Barned-Smith |
05-19-2008 |
The Iraq War: Five Years Too Longnew
As a veteran, an American and a human being, it's my responsibility to ask why people are dying for a government that has repeatedly lied. We all share this responsibility.
Dig Boston |
Liam Madden |
03-20-2008 |
Iraq Vets Will Testify About the Conduct of the Warnew
Winter Soldier 2008 will raise awareness of Iraq's realities.
Shepherd Express |
Lisa Kaiser |
02-22-2008 |
Veterans Give Somber Mood to Antiwar Protestnew
Saturday’s march in Washington, D.C., was sobered by the presence of hundreds of military family members and alienated Iraq war vets, whose voices have given the antiwar movement a new center of gravity.
The Village Voice |
Sarah Ferguson |
09-26-2005 |
Militant Opposition: Veteran's Group Latest to Oppose Warnew

After completing a 10-month, prolonged tour of war duty, Sgt. Kelly Dougherty joined a handful of Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans across the nation to launch the anti-war group Iraq Veterans Against the War. "A lot of people became disillusioned with our mission there," she says.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Michael de Yoanna |
11-15-2004 |