AltWeeklies Wire
Activist Cindy Sheehan Speaks About Her Ongoing War on Warnew

There are still a few emboldened people who will do whatever is necessary — including getting arrested countless times — to stop the seemingly pointless loss of innocent lives. Cindy Sheehan is among those on the front lines — waging war against war.
Pasadena Weekly |
Michael Sullivan |
02-22-2010 |
Pelosi is Raising Big Bucks but Keeping Very Little for Her Reelection Campaignnew
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi seems to be feeling pretty confident in her reelection prospects this November, despite an independent challenge by high-profile peace mom Cindy Sheehan. But that hasn't stopped her from raising big bucks from scores of interest groups who are contributing to her campaign committee and to the political action committee she controls, known as PAC to the Future.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
G.W. Schulz |
08-21-2008 |
A Message for Cindy Sheehan: Don't Runnew

Let Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly pick on Pelosi -- keep your sites on Bush and the Republicans who want to succeed him. Plus: The exit of Karl Rove.
Boston Phoenix |
Editorial |
08-17-2007 |
The Home Frontnew
Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal and 10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Military beg the question: Do we have to hate America in order to get out of Iraq?
Seattle Weekly |
David Stoesz |
05-03-2006 |
Hillary Gets Two Surprise Challengersnew
The anti-war movement now has two candidates pledging to dog Hillary Clinton throughout the 2006 Democratic primary for senator of New York State, forcing her to keep explaining her vote on Iraq.
The Village Voice |
Kristen Lombardi |
12-05-2005 |
Authoritarian Oppositionnew
Protesters who did not stay "on message" were kicked out of Camp Casey, says a California witch who went to see the settlement where the mother of a slain soldier waited to speak to George W. Bush.
North Bay Bohemian |
Peter Byrne |
10-05-2005 |
Veterans Give Somber Mood to Antiwar Protestnew
Saturday’s march in Washington, D.C., was sobered by the presence of hundreds of military family members and alienated Iraq war vets, whose voices have given the antiwar movement a new center of gravity.
The Village Voice |
Sarah Ferguson |
09-26-2005 |
Sparking a Prairie Fire: Cindy Sheehan at City Hallnew
The founder of Camp Casey and her "Bring Them Home Now" Tour arrives to a big Austin welcome
Austin Chronicle |
Wells Dunbar |
09-03-2005 |
George W. Bush's Anti-War Anthems
The president's unknowing collaboration with a critic produces Bush-bashing with a beat you can dance to.
Columbus Alive |
J. Caleb Mozzocco |
08-25-2005 |