AltWeeklies Wire
An Open Letter to Mr. Romney From a Latinanew

Just because you talk the talk doesn't mean you walk the walk.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte) |
Ailen J. Arreaza |
09-21-2012 |
Tags: Arizona, Spanish, president, Cuban, News, White House, cumbia, Latin, healthcare, Mexico, 47 percent, Aileen Arreaza, Cuban-American, jalapeño
Barack Obama: David Dinkins Redux
Obama is much like David Dinkins, elected in 1989 as New York City's first black mayor. Dinkins, an affable Democrat, made the mistake of thinking that African-Americans were his political base. They weren't. White liberals were.
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
01-19-2010 |
Yes We Can
Barack Obama could be our first post-partisan president, which makes him the clear choice in Saturday’s Washington caucus
The Inlander |
02-06-2008 |
Nader Not Sure If He'll Run In '08new
The watchdog turned presidential candidate addresses a human-rights film fest crowd via live video feed.
Seven Days |
Paula Routly |
01-18-2007 |
Drafting Warnernew
Former Gov. Mark Warner sort of, unofficially, launches his presidential bid -- what do the experts think?
Style Weekly |
Katie Ganntt |
04-27-2006 |
Authoritarian Oppositionnew
Protesters who did not stay "on message" were kicked out of Camp Casey, says a California witch who went to see the settlement where the mother of a slain soldier waited to speak to George W. Bush.
North Bay Bohemian |
Peter Byrne |
10-05-2005 |
M.I.T. Didn't Share Harvard President's Attitude About Womennew
Being a great scientist or engineer has little to do with superficial human designations, like whether you're male or female, black or white, robot or nonrobot.
The Village Voice |
Geeta Dayal |
02-10-2005 |
Offies 2004new

The Bay Guardian presents its annual Off-Guard Awards for the most stupid, silly, and bizarre acts and events of 2004.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Tim Redmond |
01-05-2005 |
Cheeseburgers and Paradise Won Ohionew
Ohio turned out to be the swing state everyone predicted, and President Bush's narrow victory here pushed him to re-election. John Kerry won all the major cities in Ohio, yet the suburban and rural vote trumped him.
Cincinnati CityBeat |
Stephanie Dunlap |
11-10-2004 |
The First George
This book convinces readers that without George Washington, we might all still be British subjects. If ever there was an example of how one man can shape the world, the first George W. is it.
Illinois Times |
Corrine Frisch |
11-08-2004 |
Vote Kerry: Our Future Depends on Itnew
Though born to privilege, like George W. Bush, John Kerry has avoided the greed, the arrogance, the self-centeredness that afflict Bush and many of his wealthy cronies.
Arkansas Times |
Arkansas Times staff |
10-25-2004 |
Media Plunges Into Orgy of Hypocrisy Over Kelley's Latest Tell-Allnew
The more Kitty Kelley talked to the media about her new book, the more she resembled a successful society madam explaining the facts of life to a puritanical young D.A. who wants to save society by closing the local whorehouse.
The Village Voice |
John Powers |
09-21-2004 |
Convention of Hate: Presidency Shouldn't Be Won on Slandernew
We have seen nastiness at both parties' rallies before, but in my time, which goes back to FDR, I can remember no oratory sanctioned by a major party that was more obviously a hate speech than Zell Miller's.
The Village Voice |
Sydney H. Schanberg |
09-08-2004 |
If You Write It: A Green in the White Housenew

Activist Mark Dunlea put his hard-earned political knowledge into Madame President, a novel about a female, Green Party president that he hopes will have a positive impact on the system.
Metroland |
Shawn Stone |
08-19-2004 |
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