AltWeeklies Wire
The Empire Strikes Backnew

A one-month anniversary visit to the Occupy Wall Street encampment.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Bill Forman |
11-03-2011 |
It's Fall Already, but "Occupy Wall Street" Has Finally Brought an American Springnew
Well, it's finally happening; as the headline of my piece in February, "Gadfly: Aux Barricades, Wisconsin!", foreshadowed, the barricades are finally being stormed, and, this time not just in Madison, Wisconsin. It's beginning to look like “American Spring” may have finally arrived!
The Memphis Flyer |
Marty Auusenberg |
10-04-2011 |
It's Fall Already, but "Occupy Wall Street" Has Finally Brought an American Springnew
Well, it's finally happening; as the headline of my piece in February, "Gadfly: Aux Barricades, Wisconsin!", foreshadowed, the barricades are finally being stormed, and, this time not just in Madison, Wisconsin. It's beginning to look like “American Spring” may have finally arrived!
The Memphis Flyer |
Marty Auusenberg |
10-04-2011 |
My Connection to NY Gay Marriagenew
Andy, my dad’s brother, and Michael have been together for more than 18 years — the majority of my life. They live in a brownstone in Brooklyn, and while they wear wedding rings and exchanged vows years ago, I was curious if this would change anything for them.
YES! Weekly |
Eric Ginsburg |
07-07-2011 |
Tags: New York, gay marriage
The Great Heist of the State University of New York at Buffalonew

Across the country, public universities are being targeted for reform by business leaders and by politicians who speak for business leaders. Buffalo is no different.
Kathleen Parker Dislikes The Big Applenew
Yes, small-town life is the life of individualism and personal freedom. There a man can beat his wife and kids, dump motor oil in the creek behind his house, raise pit bulls in his backyard, discharge firearms in his front yard, and never have to worry about nosy bureaucrats knocking on his door.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
10-18-2010 |
Tags: New York, Kathleen Parker
Nearly 30 Detroit Ex-Pat Artists Living in NYC Tell Us to Stay Putnew
For any cognizant creative whose finger is on the pulse of this ailing city, the news of one relocating to New York is a cliché. And other places too. Want to move to L.A.? Good luck.
Metro Times |
Travis R. Wright |
03-23-2010 |
Take a Bow: Rosson Crow and the Boys with the Bad Reputationsnew

Rosson Crow laments the challenges facing a young female artist, of dealers who don’t want to take her seriously and art-world types who expect her to behave a certain way. That boy’s club attitude is one of the main focuses of her latest show.
New York Press |
Danny Gold |
03-04-2010 |
Dreams of Life and Death: Looking Back with Patti Smithnew
Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe were barely 20 when they met, a couple of androgynous hippies newly arrived in New York City to live among the bohos and Beats, the Factory divas and "extravagant bums" swirling around the boroughs, the Bowery and the Chelsea.
L.A. Weekly |
Steve Appleford |
02-19-2010 |
Profiles & Interviews
What's Eating Zachary German? Plus, the Book People Will Use to Define Younew
Zachary German is sitting at a table in the back of Coffee Time. The cafe is on the corner of Bleecker Street and Bowery. Zachary has short brown hair and is wearing oversized glasses and a tie underneath a sweater. He is drinking an iced soy latte. It’s 5 o’clock.
New York Press |
Sheila McClear |
02-18-2010 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
City Cracks Down on Chinatown Fakes While Putting a Squeeze on Legit Merchantsnew

Very soon, locals say, Canal Street will join Times Square, Astor Place, the Lower East Side, the Garment District and all the other former centers of down-and-dirty capitalist grit that have been safely gentrified. As watch peddler Greg “Heavy” Duval explains, “They want to make this a franchise block.”
New York Press |
Matt Harvey |
01-21-2010 |
Barack Obama: David Dinkins Redux
Obama is much like David Dinkins, elected in 1989 as New York City's first black mayor. Dinkins, an affable Democrat, made the mistake of thinking that African-Americans were his political base. They weren't. White liberals were.
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
01-19-2010 |
Joshua Ferris’ Second Novel Has Legs and Knows How to Use Themnew

Whereas Illinois native Joshua Ferris, author of the award-winning debut novel Then We Came to the End, voluntarily relocated to New York, the protagonist of his thoughtful and unsettling second novel, The Unnamed, finds that a force beyond his control governs his physical movement.
New York Press |
Rayyan Al-Shawaf |
01-14-2010 |
Flesh Mob: New York’s Vegetarians Have Come Down With Some Serious Bloodlustnew

These days, as high-profile chefs like David Chang resolutely refuse to cater to an animal product-free world, many New York vegetarians are giving up the greens and developing a taste for flesh.
New York Press |
Linnea Covington |
01-14-2010 |
New Push for Labor Rights for Domestic Workers Gives Nannies Hopenew

Domestic workers are guaranteed the federal minimum wage, but there are no guidelines for working conditions and rights, and few avenues to complain.
New York Press |
Dan Rivoli |
09-24-2009 |
Business & Labor