AltWeeklies Wire
Joshua Ferris’ Second Novel Has Legs and Knows How to Use Themnew
Whereas Illinois native Joshua Ferris, author of the award-winning debut novel Then We Came to the End, voluntarily relocated to New York, the protagonist of his thoughtful and unsettling second novel, The Unnamed, finds that a force beyond his control governs his physical movement.
New York Press |
Rayyan Al-Shawaf |
01-14-2010 |
Joseph Ferris' Novel Doesn't Live Up to the Hypenew
Make no mistake, Then We Came to the End is not without its merits -- but that's also part of its undoing.
The Portland Mercury |
Courtney Ferguson |
03-20-2008 |
We the Workersnew
Joshua Ferris strikes at the heart of soulless jobs.
Montreal Mirror |
Juliet Waters |
04-13-2007 |