AltWeeklies Wire
Buddy systemnew

The march toward privatization continues, both in the form of smaller, little-heralded achievements and big takeovers. Even parks may soon be on the table.
Colorado Springs Independent |
J. Adrian Stanley |
04-02-2012 |
Policy Issues
Money, Politics and Sludgenew

How a $1.3 billion proposal to privatize Nassau County's sewage system could flush the county's future down the drain.
Long Island Press |
Christopher Twarowski |
11-28-2011 |
Business & Labor
The Great Heist of the State University of New York at Buffalonew

Across the country, public universities are being targeted for reform by business leaders and by politicians who speak for business leaders. Buffalo is no different.
South Carolina's Broadband: How Officials Quietly Privatized a Key State Assetnew
To its supporters, auctioning off the state's broadband spectrum has meant snaring millions of much-needed dollars for the state's ailing coffers. But opponents say the deal privatizes the public trust and will deepen the state's massive digital divide.
Columbia Free Times |
Corey Hutchins |
11-19-2009 |
The Story of Chicago's Parking Meter Lease Dealnew

How Mayor Daley and his crew hid their process from the public, ignored their own rules, railroaded the City Council, and screwed the taxpayers on the parking meter lease deal.
Chicago Reader |
Ben Joravsky and Mick Dumke |
04-10-2009 |
Policy Issues
Chicago Mayor Wheeling and Dealing Could Leave Taxpayers On the Hooknew
While we’ve all been riveted by Governor Blagojevich’s alleged plans to sell Barack Obama’s Senate seat to the highest bidder, Mayor Daley has been busy making his own deals, mortgaging the city to balance the budget and win the Olympics.
Chicago Reader |
Ben Joravsky |
01-26-2009 |
Is the Midway Airport Lease Really a Good Deal for Chicago Taxpayers?new
Midway Airport is arguably one of the city of Chicago's better-run operations -- it is profitable to the tune of about $100 million a year. So why would the city be in such a hurry to pawn it off, railroading the $2.5 billion transaction through the City Council with little scrutiny or debate?
Chicago Reader |
Ben Joravsky |
10-20-2008 |
Policy Issues
Someone Stop Charlie Crist and His Plan to Sell Our Highwaynew

Stop the Florida governor from hawking Alligator Alley to foreign companies. Stop him from leasing the 78 miles of fenced and flat highway stretching across the Everglades to investors who will bleed motorists dry with higher tolls and no accountability to the people.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Bob Norman |
08-05-2008 |
Wisconsin Fails Health Insurance Protectionsnew
Conservatives' solution to the health care crisis is to provide tax credits to allow individuals to buy their health insurance in a competitive marketplace. But in Wisconsin, as in many other states, the individual health insurance market does little to protect the consumers it is supposed to serve.
Shepherd Express |
Lisa Kaiser |
06-20-2008 |
On the Road to Privatizationnew
Confusing changes and ambiguous names set the stage for the continuing privatization of Medicare -- as well as possible fraud.
North Bay Bohemian |
Patricia Lynn Henley |
11-29-2006 |