AltWeeklies Wire
A Tale Told by an Idiot: Corsi's 'Obama Nation' Signifies Nothingnew

I didn't support Kerry in 2004 and I don't support Obama in 2008, but the shameless throw-shit-against-the-wall-and-hope-it-sticks methodology of the so-called Dr. Corsi tempts me to donate my next paycheck to the DNC.
Charleston City Paper |
Dylan Hales |
09-17-2008 |
David Lovelace Didn't Pick His Disease but He Writes About it Wellnew

Diagnosed with bipolar disorder in his late teens, Lovelace initially resisted prescription drugs, wary as he was of the vicious side-effects that plagued his father. In lieu of legally sanctioned treatment, the author embarked on a roller-coaster of self-medication, ingesting large quantities of alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and various hallucinogens.
Charleston City Paper |
Eric Liebetrau |
09-17-2008 |
Greg Keeler's Self-Portrait as Suckerfishnew
Trash Fish: A Life reads like real life all right. Messed-up, crap-shot, and unredeemed.
Missoula Independent |
Brad Tyer |
09-12-2008 |
'The World Without Us' Offers the Anti-Apocolypsenew
This was not the first time Alan Weisman had examined nature's resilience in the absence, nor near-absence, of humans.
INDY Week |
Gerry Canavan |
09-11-2008 |
How Conservatives are Dismantling the Federal Governmentnew
Fresh off listening to Republican presidential nominee John McCain's acceptance speech last week, it was cathartic to visit with Thomas Frank's The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule.
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
09-11-2008 |
Martin Amis Favors Language Over Logic to Make Sense of 9/11new
It's not surprising that a writer known more for his turns of phrase than his political acumen turned in The Second Plane, an aesthetically pleasing work of weak analysis.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Stacy J. Willis |
09-11-2008 |
Thomas Frank's Populist Polemic Doesn't Really Understandnew

If attacking the crimes of contemporary conservatism were an Olympic sport, Thomas Frank would be Michael Phelps.
Charleston City Paper |
Dylan Hales |
09-10-2008 |
New Collection Shows Uncollected Pieces of Bukowski's 'Protean Creativity'new

Many readers only recognize the late Charles Bukowski as the Dirty Old Man — a lecherous, wasted old poet scrawling doggerel across the backs of bar napkins. The sordid details of his personal life did little to diminish such characterizations, but Bukowski was first and foremost a serious writer dedicated to his craft.
Charleston City Paper |
09-10-2008 |
'Machiaveli's Shadow' Shows the Emperor's Architect Has No Clothesnew

Machiaveli's Shadow: The Rise and Fall of Karl Rove tells, for the first time, the story of how George W. Bush fired the adviser who had been with him since before he defeated Texas Gov. Ann Richards in 1994.
The Texas Observer |
Louis Dubose |
09-10-2008 |
'The Porn Trap' Tells the Stories of a Wide Range of Porn Addictsnew

Here we finally have a book that I believe will prove a great resource for individuals struggling with excessive use of pornography.
C-Ville Weekly |
Annette Owens |
09-10-2008 |
'Blue Dixie' Explodes Political Myths About the South, Perpetuates Othersnew

Conventional wisdom holds that the South is a solid GOP bloc, lost to Democrats forever, with a single stroke of LBJ's pen. But like most unchallenged "truths," this one is nothing but a media-generated myth that has had dire consequences for the democratic process.
Charleston City Paper |
Dylan Hales |
09-04-2008 |
A Thin New Book Builds a Thin, Old Case Against the Chemical Industrynew
Nena Baker, a former investigative reporter for The Oregonian, has written a slim volume about toxins in the environment that builds an even slimmer case against the chemical industry.
Willamette Week |
Matt Buckingham |
09-03-2008 |
Getting Under the Hood of James Wood's New Fiction Manifestonew
The critical response can only be personal, which is why critics have had so much fun reviewing this earnest, intelligent and cranky little book. The problem with the overambitious title is easily solved by adding a simple preposition between title and author: How Fiction Works For James Wood.
New Haven Advocate |
Jolisa Gracewood |
09-02-2008 |
A Book About What Your Stuff Says About You Doesn't Reveal Enoughnew

Gosling's concept in Snoop is pretty darn alluring: By carefully observing all the seemingly inconsequential bric-a-brac around a person, you can gain valuable insights into his personality.
Baltimore City Paper |
Joab Jackson |
09-02-2008 |
Disaster: A Growth Industrynew
Klein exposes—with razor-sharp investigative reporting—the damage done by the fundamentalist economic theories of Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman, who said: “Only a crises actual or perceived produces real change.”
Jackson Free Press |
Ronni Mott |
08-29-2008 |