AltWeeklies Wire
New Research Reveals Why Women Want Sexnew
Texas psychologists Cindy M. Meston and David M. Buss decided to ask women a simple question -- why do you have sex? -- and got some unexpected results.
The Georgia Straight |
Gail Johnson |
10-05-2009 |
Behind the Doors of eHarmony Labsnew

A study conducted by eHarmony Labs, the research arm of the Pasadena-based dating website, concluded that the more similar partners were in their personality and the ways they responded to emotional situations, the more satisfied they were in their relationships. But not all social scientists are convinced.
Pasadena Weekly |
Ilsa Setziol |
02-09-2009 |
'In Search of Bill Clinton' Revisits the Monica Affairnew

Was Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky merely the weakness of an inveterate horndog -- or something else? Psychologist John D. Gartner explains.
Baltimore City Paper |
Violet Glaze |
12-02-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Sex Addiction Has Devastating Effectsnew
Sex addiction falls into a grey area when it comes to diagnosis. However, many health professionals maintain that sex addiction is as real as it is devastating.
The Georgia Straight |
Gail Johnson |
11-24-2008 |
Lennard Davis Argues that Obsession is Largely in the Eye of the Beholdernew

Obsession: A History is the UIC professor's study of the rise and bifurcated path of obsessive behavior as both an illness and an ideal in the modern world.
Chicago Reader |
Deanna Isaacs |
11-24-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
For Kid Actors, Quirky is Coolnew
As one of Vancouver's emerging teen character actors, Montana Hunter is happy to be cast as a "geeky nerd" in a tough business that has led to rocky roads for such former child stars as Tatum O'Neal and Drew Barrymore.
The Georgia Straight |
Pieta Woolley |
11-18-2008 |
A Guide to Surviving the Post-Election Bluesnew

Whether you wanted Barack Obama to win or not, the election's aftermath is certainly on track to be an emotional letdown after the daily twists of 3 am ads, Jeremiah Wright and Sarah Palin over the last year. Here's some coping advice from psychologist Dr. Jeffrey Noethe.
Willamette Week |
Mariah Summers |
11-05-2008 |
A Book About What Your Stuff Says About You Doesn't Reveal Enoughnew

Gosling's concept in Snoop is pretty darn alluring: By carefully observing all the seemingly inconsequential bric-a-brac around a person, you can gain valuable insights into his personality.
Baltimore City Paper |
Joab Jackson |
09-02-2008 |
Headcase: Going Stupidnew
How the Internet affects our brains.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Cliff Bostock |
08-06-2008 |
The Case of the Golden Thong, and Other Baseball Superstitionsnew

According to George Gmelch, cultural anthropologist and author of the article "Baseball Magic," superstitious behaviors among ballplayers fall into two major categories -- rituals and taboos. Nomar Garciaparra's famed batting gyrations, that's a ritual. When he jumps over the base line to take his position in the infield, that is a taboo.
Charleston City Paper |
John Strubel |
08-06-2008 |
A Seattle Company Tries to Prove That Playing its Games Improves Your Mental Statenew
Is sitting on your ass and staring at the screen on your phone the gateway to greater alertness and contentment? PopCap Games says yes. With a staff of 180, it's one of the heavy hitters in the $2.25 billion-a-year casual-games industry.
Seattle Weekly |
Jesse Froehling |
08-04-2008 |
Video Games
Florida's Last Sexual Surrogatenew
Though most psychologists no longer view surrogate therapy as radical, the practice is rare these days. Dozens of surrogates were spread across the country in the 70s and 80s, but today there are fewer than 30 licensed practitioners. And there is just one certified surrogate working in Florida: Catherine.
Miami New Times |
Michael J. Mooney |
07-07-2008 |
Pairing Your Music with Your Winenew
The music you listen to while drinking really can significantly affect the taste of wine. Researchers in the Applied Psychology department at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh have found that, in fact, certain music really does go with certain wine.
Isthmus |
Anne Strainchamps |
06-17-2008 |
Giving Depressed Teens Another Chance at Happiness and Lifenew
When Jeff Lamontagne and other members of his church held a walk to raise money to enable students who were depressed and at risk of suicide to receive psychological treatment five years ago, they had no idea that they'd taken the first steps toward establishing a nonprofit that would become a model for suicide prevention nationwide.
Boulder Weekly |
Pamela White |
05-19-2008 |
Can the Music of Our Brains Make Us Sleep Better?new

A California psychologist says yes and is using mysterious Russian technology to treat patients with Brain Music Therapy. Our reporter gets strapped in to ride the waves.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Gary Singh |
04-24-2008 |