AltWeeklies Wire
The People Left Behindnew

When a 13-year-old dies, a whole community is left searching for answers.
The Inlander |
Leah Sottile |
03-08-2012 |
How An Abused Teen's Suicide Played Out On Twitternew

After tweeting about the alleged sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of her father — and an investigation that came up empty — Ashley Billasano killed herself.
Houston Press |
Craig Malisow |
03-07-2012 |
Children & Families
Barefoot Crusade Against Veteran Suicidesnew

Ron Zaleski has been barefoot since 1972 — the length of time he's carried a burden of guilt for how he handled the moral difficulties of the Vietnam War.
It Gets Betternew

Orlando's take on the national project to save gay youth
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes, Jeff Gore and Erin Sullivan |
11-11-2010 |
Suicidal Tendencies: The Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections Is a Bloody Messnew
The Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections is supposed to educate and rehabilitate juvenile delinquents. Instead, the agency has become the state's adolescent mental hospital, a job it's clearly not equipped to handle.
Phoenix New Times |
Amy Silverman |
12-22-2009 |
Crime & Justice
In Miami's Jungle of Condo Towers, 16 People Have Jumped to Their Deathsnew
Some cities have fabled bridges where the hopeless go to end it all. Others have eerie cliffs where bodies plunge into rocky canyons. In Miami-Dade, the suicidal have found their own vehicle for death: posh, shining, and often brand-new condo towers.
Miami New Times |
Natalie O'Neill |
09-14-2009 |
Crime & Justice
Soldiers Committing Suicidenew

The US military is experiencing a troubling uptick in suicides -- both with active-duty troops overseas and with returned vets. The culprit is post-traumatic stress disorder, and the Pentagon has neither the money, the know-how, or the will to stop it.
Boston Phoenix |
Jason Notte |
03-12-2009 |
Don't Let the Holidays Trap You in Old Family Scriptsnew
Family. Merrymaking. Gift giving. It ought to be so cozy and fun, just like an old postcard. But making it through the next few weeks definitely has its challenges.
NOW Magazine |
Elizabeth Bromstein |
12-22-2008 |
Seven False Starts About the Death of David Foster Wallacenew

By now you may have heard. The most influential and innovative fiction stylist of his generation, the smartest, funniest, strangest, most endearing and (let's just say it) the greatest writer under 50 in America, killed himself at his Claremont home on Sept. 12.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Cornel Bonca |
12-05-2008 |
A New Six-Disc Set Documents Two Years of Live Suicide Havocnew

Filling six discs with 13 complete sets from New York and Europe, Live 1977-78 is perhaps, as the back cover text admits, "Not for the fainthearted or casual fan." (Is there even such a thing as a casual Suicide fan?)
Baltimore City Paper |
Marc Masters |
08-12-2008 |
Tags: suicide, Live 1977-78
Giving Depressed Teens Another Chance at Happiness and Lifenew
When Jeff Lamontagne and other members of his church held a walk to raise money to enable students who were depressed and at risk of suicide to receive psychological treatment five years ago, they had no idea that they'd taken the first steps toward establishing a nonprofit that would become a model for suicide prevention nationwide.
Boulder Weekly |
Pamela White |
05-19-2008 |
Martin Rev and Alan Vega Continue to Do What They Wantnew
For decades, Suicide’s relevance has popped up amid many a wheel. In recent times, groups from Wolf Eyes to Glass Candy share Vega and Rev as a powerful antecedent.
New York Press |
Matthew Kantor |
05-15-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: suicide
How Jeremy Williams' Death Devastated Orange County's First Pro Mixed-Martial-Arts Teamnew
In late 2006, when Marco Ruas was forming the Condors, he approached Williams about joining the team. Williams had quit fighting four years before to be a coach.
Suicide and Silence at the D.C. Jailnew
How did the D.C. Jail let two troubled inmates kill themselves in their cells? Don't ask the D.C. Jail.
Washington City Paper |
Brendan Smith |
04-10-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Veterans Are Killing Themselves in Record Numbersnew
But at the VA, not much has changed.
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Beth Walton |
03-26-2008 |