AltWeeklies Wire
Say Goodnight, Mickeynew
The sad demise of a hallowed Disney tradition: Grad Nite.
Creative Loafing (Tampa) |
Catherine Durkin Robinson |
06-20-2011 |
How Are Schools Handling Truancy? Ask the Kids Smoking Pot Near Campusnew

In the late morning of the first day of the new semester at John O'Connell High School of Technology, two boys stage their finely choreographed escape. While the security guard's back is turned, they scamper out the front door onto the sidewalk.
No Luck Club: Seattle Authorities Crack Down on Asian Dance Clubnew
Who is Justin Toa? A psychotic arsonist? A dangerous gangster? Hardly--he's a 20-year-old Asian guy with two-toned hair and a spotty traffic record from his teenage years. Why are the authorities after him? Because he runs a 16-and-over hip hop club.
The Portland Mercury |
Allie Holly-Gottlieb |
12-31-2009 |
How San Francisco's Sanctuary Sellout Hurts Undocumented Teensnew
Before: The city coddled undocumented teen criminals. After: The city punishes undocumented teens who commit crimes (and some who don't, too).
SF Weekly |
Lauren Smiley |
11-18-2009 |
What Happened to the NYC Teenager?new
The recent Bravo reality show about elite prep schools espouses a glam lifestyle, but as I remember it, high school was way more boring.
New York Press |
Emma Allen |
08-20-2009 |
Can Debutante Classes Break Troubled Teens' Cycle of Pregnancy and Poverty?new

The Ladies by Design Junior Debutante Course is part of a trend in programs springing up to help low-income teens. Often promoted as lessons in such things as hip-hop dance or engine building, the programs are in fact holistic youth development gigs.
Dallas Observer |
Kimberly Thorpe |
06-30-2009 |
God and Abstinencenew
At the Mississippi Department of Human Services' "Abstinence Works: Let's Talk About It" summit, we didn't talk about abstinence. But we sure did chant, cheer, dance, pray and sing about it. Here are a few (of the many) things that stood out to me.
Jackson Free Press |
Kate Royals |
06-26-2009 |
Dallas' Hottest Musical Export: Mall Punknew
For lack of a better descriptor, these acts are the latest proprietors of the mall punk scene, performing power pop, for the most part, and music that's been influenced heavily by the pop-punk sounds of the late '90s and the emo sounds of the early '00s. And their choice of genre is indicative of a greater trend happening here in Dallas and beyond.
Dallas Observer |
Pete Freedman |
06-15-2009 |
Today's Kids Have Unprecedented Access to Porn -- Is That Good or Bad?new

It is easier than ever to watch, create and share pornographic images and text, and porn has always been right at the fingertips of today's teens. Which leads to the question, can this be bad for them? If cigarettes stunt your growth, does porn stunt your soul?
Metro Silicon Valley |
Jessica Lussenhop |
05-29-2009 |
Study Reports that Internet Use is Good for Teens' Healthnew
A massive three-year study by the MacArthur Foundation found that using digital technology is integral to the development of healthy, smart and socially adept teenagers.
NOW Magazine |
Joseph Wilson |
01-09-2009 |
Be Your Own Pet Releases a Miniature Pop-Punk Teen-Girl Party Piece
At three tracks and barely six minutes in length, does this even qualify as an EP? Well, kind of -- the three songs on this, the swan song for the Nashville garage quartet, were removed from the U.S. release of the band's early-2008 Get Awkward disc by Universal lawyers for being "too violent."
'Twilight' Sparkles Limply into Theatersnew
Catherine Hardwicke's adaptation of the teen vampire romance improves on the book -- which isn't really saying much.
Eugene Weekly |
Molly Templeton |
11-26-2008 |
Teen Phenom Twilight is Tediousnew
Christmas comes early for teens and emos alike with this much-hyped but terrible vampire flick.
Montreal Mirror |
Christopher Sykes |
11-21-2008 |
Vampire Romance 'Twilight' Makes an Awkward Leap from Page to Screennew

Stephenie Meyer's dunderheaded brick of a book may be poorly written pap, but it affords its audience a level of pure escapism as alluring as it is unrealistic and unhealthy. Twilight the movie brings all of that crashing down to earth, and inspires only nervous laughter.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Josh Bell |
11-20-2008 |
'Twilight' Makes a Far Better Movie Than Booknew
Largely freed from Stephenie Meyer's ponderous prose, the movie is surprisingly campy and fun, with a cheerful sense of humor about its own ridiculousness.
The Portland Mercury |
Alison Hallett |
11-20-2008 |