AltWeeklies Wire
New Mexico's Transgender Community Unsettled by News Coverage of Murdersnew
"They should have said the word 'victim' in there somehow, because regardless of what these people were doing when they were killed, they still had the right to live," Transgender New Mexico facilitator Janice Devereaux says. "And referring to them as victims, I think, would have been more appropriate."
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
07-28-2009 |
Planned Parenthood Gets Squeezed Out in Orange Countynew
Anti-abortion-rights activists and the Orange County Board of Supervisors teamed up to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood.
God and Abstinencenew
At the Mississippi Department of Human Services' "Abstinence Works: Let's Talk About It" summit, we didn't talk about abstinence. But we sure did chant, cheer, dance, pray and sing about it. Here are a few (of the many) things that stood out to me.
Jackson Free Press |
Kate Royals |
06-26-2009 |
Did You Know? May Is National Masturbation Monthnew

If you didn't know May was National Masturbation Month, you're not alone. The annual observance doesn't have a hugely high profile. It started in 1995 in -- where else? -- San Francisco, as a response to the forced resignation of U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Liz Spikol |
05-18-2009 |
Planned Parenthood's Scheme to Bust Abortion Protestersnew
In the years since the law had been added to the books, the Denver District Attorney's Office had never prosecuted a violation of the Bubble Law, which prevents anti-abortion activists from coming within eight feet of anyone in a hundred-foot radius of a clinic without their permission So a handful of Planned Parenthood employees hatched a plan to catch the creeps. And it worked.
Midwived Texans Cast into Citizenship 'Black Hole'new

A trio of recently filed federal lawsuits allege that the State Department is blacklisting kids born the ol'-fashioned way.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
09-17-2008 |
Children & Families
Pregnancy Is the New Blacknew
While celebrity stalkers delight in Hollywood babies, Beltway pundits are parsing and spinning the latest wave of ovarian escapades. Have girls really gone wild?
Boston Phoenix |
Kara Baskin |
09-11-2008 |
Condom Shop Offer Too Hot for Boise Statenew
Boise State University bookstore has condom shop coupon removed from coupon book after complaints.
Boise Weekly |
Nathaniel Hoffman |
09-10-2008 |
For Bristol Palin, Abortion Should Be Mandatory
Teen parenthood and marriage have disastrous consequences. Why are even liberals saying that Bristol Palin is doing the right thing?
Old-School Words of Wisdom for a Swell College Sex Lifenew

To boink or not to boink a lot -- that is the question. Well, one of them.
Boston Phoenix |
Neely Steinberg |
09-04-2008 |
Looking at the Implications of Colorado's Proposed Anti-Choice Amendmentnew
If voters pass Amendment 48 in November, the Colorado Constitution will be changed so that even a pronuclear embryo -- a single-celled, newly fertilized human egg -- will have the same rights and protections as a fully developed, living, breathing human being. The so-called "Personhood Amendment," an initiative placed on the ballot by anti-abortion extremists, would impact not only abortion, experts say, but also a broad range of issues pertaining to women's health from access to contraception to infertility treatment to the flexibility doctors have in treating pregnant women.
Boulder Weekly |
Pamela White |
08-04-2008 |
One Missouri Midwife, Now That Her Trade is Legal, Decides to Advertisenew
Dana Albillo is doing something no one in St. Louis' underground home-birth network ever dared -- she's advertising. Soon after the Missouri Supreme Court ended the state's 48-year prohibition on non-medical professionals helping to deliver babies, Albillo bought an ad in AT&T's Yellow Pages for her fledgling business, Common Ground Midwifery Services.
Riverfront Times |
Kathleen McLaughlin |
08-01-2008 |
I Want My Midwife!new
The list of Orange Count hospitals that allow midwife-assisted births just got shorter -- but moms-to-be and midwives aren't taking it lying down.
How to Talk to a Tranny (Yes, Even This Headline Would be Considered Offensive)new
Terms commonly used to describe transgender men and women fall into a gray area. Is it okay to call someone a transvestite? How do you determine a transgender person's preferred pronoun -- he or she -- without being offensive?
The Memphis Flyer |
Bianca Phillips |
07-25-2008 |
The Nokia Lolitas: A Combustible Mix of Minors, Sex and Technologynew

An emerging trend of DIY teenage sex imagery raises questions about the limits of technology and the appropriate legal response. Should kids be facing criminal records for taking naked pictures of themselves? Also: Just how widespread is this trend, and how should officials handle it when students make their sex lives public?
New Haven Advocate |
Rachel Slajda and Erin Lynch |
07-22-2008 |