AltWeeklies Wire
Meet the Babymakernew

How one same-sex couple turned its struggle to make a family into a mission
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Rodney Carmichael |
03-07-2014 |
The Book of Romneynew

The Repulican presidential candidate's female problem.
North Bay Bohemian |
Geoffrey Dunn |
10-10-2012 |
Gadfly: Regulating vaginas, not Wall Streetnew

Each week, NUVO illustrator Wayne Bertsch turns his keen comic eye to the local headlines.
Democratic challenger sets her sights on Tim Scott's seatnew

Assuming Tea Party favorite Tim Scott runs for re-election as Charleston’s U.S. representative in November, he will face a new challenger in the political arena: Bobbie Rose, a Democratic candidate and political novice who filed to run for the position on Tuesday.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
03-31-2012 |
Policy Issues
PA is Ground Zero for the Abortion Clashnew

As the GOP clown car gets ready to sputter eastward for the Pennsylvania primary amid an onslaught of attacks on women’s reproductive rights, it’s a good time to remember that our state has always been, and seemingly always will be, the nerve center of the national abortion debate.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
03-14-2012 |
Civil Liberties
Abstinence Program Provided False and Misleading Information to Michigan Studentsnew
An abstinence-only presentation provided to numerous school districts in Michigan provided false and misleading information to students about HIV, experts allege.
The American Independent News Network |
Todd Heywood |
11-17-2011 |
Personhood: A Pandora’s Boxnew

Mississippi's Personhood Initiative is short: "Should the term 'person' be defined to include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the equivalent thereof?" Legal and medical experts say the vague language could lead to chaos for women and families.
Jackson Free Press |
Valerie Wells |
11-03-2011 |
Policy Issues
Texas Right-to-Life Groups are Pushing Policies That May Lead to More Abortionsnew

In their lust to defund Planned Parenthood, Texas right-to-life groups and conservative lawmakers are pushing policies that -- in an ironic twist -- could lead to more abortions.
The Texas Observer |
Alexa Garcia-Ditta |
04-19-2011 |
The War on Women
The Battle Over a Woman's Right to Choose Rages Outside Louisville's Only Abortion Clinicnew
While the Stupak Amendment suggests there's a movement afoot in the nation's capital to scale back accessibility to abortion, Kentucky is already among a contingent of socially conservative states that make it especially difficult for a woman to terminate her pregnancy.
LEO Weekly |
Farrah Johnson |
11-18-2009 |
Abortion Wars Turn Deadly With the Murder of Dr. George Tillernew

I've been on the front lines of the choice wars in Los Angeles. We were very aware that we were putting our lives on the line with these wackos. "Baby Killers!" they'd yell at us as we protected family planning clinics.
Pasadena Weekly |
Ellen Snortland |
06-15-2009 |
Sarah Palin Boosts Planned Parenthoodnew
A viral email has urged people who disliked the Alaska governor's under-no-circumstance view on abortion to donate to Planned Parenthood, in her honor.
Boston Phoenix |
Shuchi Saraswat |
10-09-2008 |
John McCain's Birth Control Dodge Continuesnew
"I don't usually duck an issue, but I'll try to get back to you," McCain told a reporter in early July. The uncomfortable moments documented on video show the presumptive Republican nominee squirming and stammering when he was asked why he voted against a 2003 bill that would require private insurance companies to cover prescription birth control, just as they cover Viagra.
Shepherd Express |
Lisa Kaiser |
08-15-2008 |
Looking at the Implications of Colorado's Proposed Anti-Choice Amendmentnew
If voters pass Amendment 48 in November, the Colorado Constitution will be changed so that even a pronuclear embryo -- a single-celled, newly fertilized human egg -- will have the same rights and protections as a fully developed, living, breathing human being. The so-called "Personhood Amendment," an initiative placed on the ballot by anti-abortion extremists, would impact not only abortion, experts say, but also a broad range of issues pertaining to women's health from access to contraception to infertility treatment to the flexibility doctors have in treating pregnant women.
Boulder Weekly |
Pamela White |
08-04-2008 |
Think You Know John McCain?new

You might want to take a look at his eye-opening conservative record on reproductive issues.
Shepherd Express |
Lisa Kaiser |
04-25-2008 |
Choice, Before and Afternew
Vermont's first abortion providers give Roe v. Wade a check-up.
Seven Days |
Amy Lilly |
01-18-2008 |