AltWeeklies Wire
The McDonnell Trial Activity Booknew

Games and puzzles to guide you through the courtroom commotion of the former Virginia governor and first lady.
Style Weekly |
Ned Oliver and Ed Harrington |
07-31-2014 |
SF Weekly Comics Issuenew

A whole issue done in a comic style -- from the letters page to the feature to reviews.
Not-So-Free Comic Book Daynew

The annual celebration of pen-and-ink is a great opportunity for local comic retailers hoping to make year-long customers out of one-day shoppers.
Tucson Weekly |
Henry Barajas |
05-01-2014 |
Children of Mass Murderers Support Groupnew

It’s got to be tough to be the son or daughter of an infamous mass murderer. In every group, however, there’s always a star.
If We Learn Geography, the Terrorists Winnew

Lots of coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings, but the media can’t provide the context or analysis to give it meaning or relevance other than as a random act of cruelty and tragedy.
What Makes a Good Editorial Cartoon
A good editorial cartoon should never be fair, balanced, moderate or so evenhanded that it is impossible to tell what the political orientation of the cartoonist is from that cartoon. This rules out a lot of them.
A Twisted Path to Citizenshipnew

Immigration reform: it’s not amnesty, it’s “path to citizenship” – in other words, amnesty plus a lot of bureaucratic BS.
Roger Ebert's Pernicious Influence on American Culturenew

Yes, Virginia, it is possible to draw an intelligent obituary cartoon. But is it possible for it to be printed in a newspaper?
Tags: Roger Ebert
The American Way of Deathnew

Whether it’s OK to use killer drones to blow people up depends on their citizenship and geographic proximity to the Good Old USA.
Love Reapernew

Will the next generation of killer drones have extra features to win over hearts and minds in the war on terror?
Freedom Marches Forwardnew

Gay marriage seems to be a historical inevitability. Let the self-congratulatory gladhanding begin! Who cares if we can’t make real progress on truly important issues?
Ten Years Into the Iraq War: Where Are They Now?new

The villains who lied the American people into invading Iraq are prospering. The Iraqis they killed, not so much.
Tags: George W. Bush
Wounded Drone Warriorsnew

Won't you reach out and help our brave wounded warriors as they come home from Iraq and Afghanistan?
With a Recovery Like Thisnew

The bottom 99% of wage earners in the United States lost 0.4% of their income between 2009 and 2011. The top 1% gained 11.2%. So the one percent grabbed 121% of the income gains from the so-called recovery. Can America afford much more recovery like this?