AltWeeklies Wire
A Woman’s Right to Choose a Presidentnew
Beyond the economy, social issues drive the gender gap.
Folio Weekly |
Denise Reagan |
11-01-2012 |
Tags: Women's Rights
Women in jeopardynew
If you vote Republican, you will be voting against women. It's as simple as that.
Tags: Mike Pence, women's rights
The Book of Romneynew

The Repulican presidential candidate's female problem.
North Bay Bohemian |
Geoffrey Dunn |
10-10-2012 |
Gadfly: Regulating vaginas, not Wall Streetnew

Each week, NUVO illustrator Wayne Bertsch turns his keen comic eye to the local headlines.
Fit to be tiednew

As Fifty Shades of Grey has proven, it's fun to do bad things
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Melysa Martinez |
05-03-2012 |
'We Have No Choice': One Woman's Ordeal with Texas' New Sonogram Lawnew

The painful decision to terminate a pregnancy is now—thanks to Texas' harsh new law—just the beginning of the torment.
The Texas Observer |
Carolyn Jones |
03-16-2012 |
Policy Issues
Women's History Month by the numbersnew

Progress can be logged on the journey to equality, but there's a long way to go.
NUVO Editors |
03-05-2012 |
The War on Women
Not so Pretty in Pinknew
Has feminism been replaced by the pink-ribbon breast cancer cult? When the House of Representatives passed the Stupak amendment, which would take abortion rights away even from women who have private insurance, the female response ranged from muted to inaudible.
Metro Times |
Barbara Ehrenreich |
12-15-2009 |
The War on Women
Mubarakah Ibrahim and Her Muslim Sisters Break Stereotypes and Empower Womennew
In the two years that Ibrahim has owned New Haven's Balance Fitness, her business has been making waves far beyond the health industry. She has become something of a poster child for a breed of Muslim women who are publicly defying the stereotypes of suppressed, submissive women of Islam.
New Haven Advocate |
Alexis Fitts |
04-22-2008 |
Fighting for Women's Rights in Pakistannew
Pakistani Muslim and feminist Shanaz Bukhari Bukhari fights to end domestic violence and wife burning.
Boulder Weekly |
Pamela White |
04-22-2008 |
Title Neinnew
You know something's screwy in the Dallas White Rock Marathon when women are awarded a 20-minute lead because, well, they're women.
Dallas Observer |
Richie Whitt |
12-29-2005 |
Civil Liberties
Should Docs Snitch on Teenage Girls?new
A measure to notify parents when teens seek abortions might reduce state abortion rates, but probably not in the way its backers intended.
East Bay Express |
Kara Platoni |
07-11-2005 |