AltWeeklies Wire

John McCain's Birth Control Dodge Continuesnew

"I don't usually duck an issue, but I'll try to get back to you," McCain told a reporter in early July. The uncomfortable moments documented on video show the presumptive Republican nominee squirming and stammering when he was asked why he voted against a 2003 bill that would require private insurance companies to cover prescription birth control, just as they cover Viagra.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  08-15-2008  |  Commentary

Inside the Illustrious Career of Dr. Howard Levinenew

Botched abortions, Viagra prescriptions, fast-food extortion, and steroid trafficking were just the beginning.
Seattle Weekly  |  Rick Anderson  |  05-19-2008  |  Science

Syphilis Reemerges, Deadlier Than Evernew

Syphilis followed crack cocaine into St. Louis a decade ago, and now the methamphetamine epidemic has caused a surge among gays.
Riverfront Times  |  Malcolm Gay  |  07-06-2005  |  Science

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