AltWeeklies Wire

Profiting From 9/11: The Winnersnew

For some people, the terrorist attacks have been a gold mine.
The Village Voice  |  Graham Rayman  |  09-02-2011  |  Policy Issues Selling Junk Onlinenew

In 2008, New York City's Special Narcotics Prosecutor began leading a team of undercover investigators targeting the drug dealers who used Craigslist to advertise their wares. Three years later, drug dealing on the classified-ads website is still blatant and ubiquitous.
The Village Voice  |  David Shapiro and Joe Coscarelli  |  04-20-2011  |  Drugs

What We Give Up When We Turn Our Backs on Street Meatnew

The food cart is about as inherent a part of New York as some girl sobbing as her boyfriend breaks up with her on the side of the road. But you’ve probably noticed a new crop of carts popping up lately, and these meals take street eats beyond the wiener we’re all used to.
New York Press  |  Corynne Steindler  |  02-18-2010  |  Food+Drink

A Night Inside NYC's Amateur Music Scenenew

For the most part, the acts playing every night at venues like The Red Lion, Pianos and Arlene's Grocery aren't doing this just for fun. But does this bar scene offer a step up the ladder, or is it just a way for the management to make money?
New York Press  |  James Mulcahy  |  09-24-2009  |  Music

What Happened to the NYC Teenager?new

The recent Bravo reality show about elite prep schools espouses a glam lifestyle, but as I remember it, high school was way more boring.
New York Press  |  Emma Allen  |  08-20-2009  |  Culture

Why Has NYC Gone Crazy For Coleus?new

A bounty of new varieties have given new life to the Disco Era's favorite potted plant, and New York has taken notice.
North Coast Journal  |  Amy Stewart  |  07-16-2009  |  Gardening

How the Recession Created a New Breed of Stay-at-Home Dadsnew

When the economy finally collapsed a few months back, my short-lived run as the only stay-at-home dad in the neighborhood evaporated along with tens of thousands of jobs. Dads began popping up everywhere. At the park. At the library for Storytime. At Baby Gap.
New York Press  |  Chuck Pagano  |  06-18-2009  |  Culture

8 Million Stories: Amy Braunscweiger Takes on Her Noisy Neighborsnew

I don’t usually have violent thoughts. But this changed when it came to you. I’ve had my fantasies. One particularly desperate night (with a job interview the next morning) I seriously considered throwing Chinese firecrackers into your construction site.
New York Press  |  Amy Braunschweiger  |  03-05-2009  |  Comedy

In a Time of Growing Need, NYC's Homeless Are Running Out of Optionsnew

This winter, Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration quietly declared a two-front campaign against the shelter system that was developed to assist with the persistent homelessness problem.
New York Press  |  Matt Harvey  |  03-05-2009  |  Economy

The Secrets (and Sadness) of Living in a Women's Dormnew

For $1,000 a month I’d get two meals a day and daily maid service. My room would be outfitted with a single bed, dresser, small closet, desk and sink. And I’d be surrounded with women of all ages and backgrounds. But I soon realized it was also utterly dispiriting.
New York Press  |  Alyssa Abkowitz  |  02-05-2009  |  Culture

The Revolution Is Here!: A Small Bookstore Preparesnew

More than just a bookstore, Manhattan's Revolution Books’ agenda for change is not to work within the system. It’s to prepare people with the tools of communism so that they’ll be ready when the system collapses.
New York Press  |  Justin Richards  |  01-22-2009  |  Books

Barack for Sale in Harlemnew

A bustling industry of Obama merchandise exists on 125th, but how much longer will it matter?
New York Press  |  Joseph Asher Bernstein  |  10-30-2008  |  Politics

NYC's Tenement Museum is Blocking its Employees from Organizingnew

A pro-union vibe permeates the museum, from its bookstore stocked with tomes about the labor movement to the actual tenement at 97 Orchard Street, where the seeds of organized labor grew. Despite that reverence, a no-holds-barred labor clash is underway beneath their own roof.
New York Press  |  Josh Zembick  |  10-23-2008  |  Business & Labor

Ringtones Killed the New York Hip-Hop Starnew

While hip-hop in New York may not be dead, exactly, it is (at the very least) gravely wounded. If you're looking where to lay blame, look no further than ringtones.
New York Press  |  Matthew Mundy  |  10-16-2008  |  Music

Billionaires for Michael Bloombergnew

It's one thing to have the New York mayor change a term limits law and run again, but does the media have to lap it up so easily?
New York Press  |  Jamaal Young  |  10-09-2008  |  Commentary

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