AltWeeklies Wire
The Truth About 9/11 Truthers
The government and the media say 9/11 Truthers are crazy. But it's their refusal to allow a real investigation that is nuts.
They Won: 9/11 and the American Fear Factornew
The tenth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks is coming up, and according to some members of the media, we're all supposed to be excited about commemorating it. Maybe it's just me, but that seems an odd thing to do, kind of like if Poland threw a big party on the anniversary of being invaded by Nazi Germany.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte) |
John Grooms |
09-07-2011 |
Tags: 9/11, September 11
Unifinished Businessnew

Bill Doyle is on a mission to prove that Saudi Arabia bankrolled the 9/11 attacks.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeff Gore |
09-07-2011 |
What Can We Learn From the 9/11 Anniversary?new

Ten years later, a TV terrorpalooza rings hollow.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
09-07-2011 |
Profiting From 9/11: The Winnersnew

For some people, the terrorist attacks have been a gold mine.
The Village Voice |
Graham Rayman |
09-02-2011 |
Policy Issues
We Learned Nothing From 9/11
They say everything changed on 9/11. No one can dispute that. But we didn't learn anything.
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
08-29-2011 |
How Osama Did -- and Didn’t -- Change Washingtonnew

Bin Laden’s contribution to the Washingtonian condition—like his broader contribution to the American one—was to hammer home the notion that civilians weren’t just collateral damage.
Washington City Paper |
Michael Schaffer |
05-05-2011 |
Osama Bin Laden Is Dead: Reports From Ground Zeronew

At first, there were only two types of people at Ground Zero: people who'd come to party, (who clearly weren't that close to the 3,000 dead), and media to cover them.
The Village Voice |
Steven Thrasher |
05-02-2011 |
Osama Bin Laden Is Deadnew

President Obama confirmed that Osama Bin Laden has been killed.
The Village Voice |
Rosie Gray |
05-02-2011 |
It was a Low, Dishonest Decadenew
Throughout the decade, while Osama bin Laden remained out of reach, gloating, Americans channeled their resentments by turning against one another. You heard it on the talk shows, where loathing gained the highest ratings.
San Antonio Current |
Steven G. Kellman |
12-30-2009 |
America on Trial, via Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

Never mind the Constitution, the Geneva Conventions or common decency -- on the question of what to do about POWs rotting away at Guantanamo Bay concentration camp, right-wingers' concerns are purely practical.
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
11-19-2009 |
Crime & Justice
What Made the World Trade Center Fall?new

One of the crucial technical disputes in American history is underway. It pits government technicians who say the WTC buildings were brought down by airplane impact against architects and building engineers who insist that the Twin Towers could never have collapsed solely due to the planes and are calling for a new independent investigation.
Santa Barbara Independent |
Jay Levin and Tom McKenzie |
09-21-2009 |
'Amreeka' Skillfully Evokes American Post-9/11 Uneasenew
Amreeka hops over every one of its predictable, carefully laid-out hurdles.
New York Press |
Armond White |
09-03-2009 |
Obama Gets it Wrong on Afghanistan
The president's recent interview with Canada's CBC television network demonstrates that he doesn't know much about Afghanistan. But that isn't stopping him from talking about it -- even while he escalates America's war there.
'Guilty' Examines Arab Bashing on the Big Screennew
Six years into a costly war fought on Arab soil, one might expect American media to demonize the enemy, rationalizing the necessity of killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians. But perhaps because of popular revulsion at the war, Shaheen finds cause for hope.
The Texas Observer |
Steven G. Kellman |
12-03-2008 |