AltWeeklies Wire
Reduce, Reuse, 'Revolt': Michael Cera's New Flicknew

As Sinatra-loving, foreign-film-renting Oakland high-school student Nick Twisp, Michael Cera’s having his usual troubles getting laid, or for that matter even interacting normally with girls or dudes his own age.
San Antonio Current |
Jeremy Martin |
01-06-2010 |
'Paper Heart' Is No Candy Valentinenew
Ultra-introverted mumblenerd comedian Charlene Yi shines in this faux documentary that problematically blurs the line between staged, improvised, and "real" events.
Austin Chronicle |
Marc Savlov |
08-20-2009 |
'Paper Heart' is Both Cutesy and Ironically Smugnew
Sort of a mock mockumentary, the film follows impossibly impish hipster comedian Charlyne Yi, as she crosses the country asking real folk about true love, an emotion she claims to be incapable of.
Metro Times |
Corey Hall |
08-18-2009 |
'Paper Heart': The World's First-ever Notumentarynew

Charlyne Yi and director Nick Jasenovec to make a road-trip documentary, interviewing people across the country about love. the nshe met Michael Cera.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
08-05-2009 |
'Year One' Tries (and Fails) to be a Monty Python Movienew

Harold Ramis has had a hand in some seriously great comedies -- Caddyshack, Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day -- but, lest we forget, he was also responsible for Club Paradise and Stuart Saves His Family. Year One might be better than either of those movies, but not by much.
The Portland Mercury |
Ned Lannamann |
06-19-2009 |
For Kid Actors, Quirky is Coolnew
As one of Vancouver's emerging teen character actors, Montana Hunter is happy to be cast as a "geeky nerd" in a tough business that has led to rocky roads for such former child stars as Tatum O'Neal and Drew Barrymore.
The Georgia Straight |
Pieta Woolley |
11-18-2008 |
'Nick & Norah' Captures Teen Romance's Sweet Awkwardness

Peter Sollett has now established himself as cinema's reigning genius of awkward young love.
Salt Lake City Weekly |
Scott Renshaw |
09-26-2008 |