AltWeeklies Wire
Wrongful Conviction Isn’t Extraordinary in Connecticut. It’s Normalnew
How much do we really know about our prisons — about the history of incarceration and its role in a free society? When we talk about the criminal justice system, what kind of justice do we mean?
New Haven Advocate |
Caleb Smith |
03-23-2010 |
Crime & Justice
Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell Waddles Toward Lame-Duck-Itudenew

No matter what Gov. M. Jodi Rell tries to say or do these days, the message many people are hearing is “quack, quack, quack.” Connecticut doesn’t get any money out of a pool of federal transportation funding. “Quack.”
New Haven Advocate |
Gregory B. Hladky |
03-16-2010 |
Supreme Court Ruling Could Influence Connecticut Campaign Lawnew
The new U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning federal bans on corporate political spending is creating a firestorm of protest, and disagreements here in Connecticut about how it might impact legal challenges to this state's landmark public campaign financing program.
New Haven Advocate |
Gregory B. Hladky |
01-26-2010 |
Connecticut Still Lacks a Critical Facility for Delinquent Girls and There's No Good Explanationnew
Connecticut hasn't had a state-run secure facility for girls since 2003 when the Long Lane School, which housed both boys and girls, closed. In 1998, a girl named Tabatha committed suicide at Long Lane and in response the Connecticut Juvenile Training School was opened - for boys. The girls were left behind.
New Haven Advocate |
Daniel D'Ambrosio |
12-08-2009 |
Crime & Justice
Will a 'Perfect Storm' Kill Connecticut's Fledgling Public Campaign Finance System?new
A ferocious series of political, judicial, fiscal, legislative and economic pressure fronts are coming together in a way that has state and party officials nervous about whether this program will make it through the 2010 state elections.
New Haven Advocate |
Gregory B. Hladky |
11-24-2009 |
Connecticut Tackles the DNA Questionnew
Connecticut is one of 29 states that doesn't collect DNA at the time of arrest for felonies. Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, among others, would like to see that changed.
New Haven Advocate |
Daniel D'Ambrosio |
11-17-2009 |
Crime & Justice
Twitter Shuts Down Connecticut Republicans' 33 Fake Accountsnew

Twitter, Inc., has shut down 33 fake accounts created by Republicans using the names of Democratic state representatives. The Republican scheme was to send out posts under the Democrats' names mocking the liberal tax-and-spend bastards.
Hartford Advocate |
Gregory B. Hladky |
10-21-2009 |
Birth of a Blowhard: Glenn Beck in Connecticutnew

When Beck arrived at KC 101 in early 1992, he was a semi-failed, drug-and-alcohol addicted, Top-40s radio jock desperately looking for a route to stardom. By the time he left seven years later, he had figured out that talk radio was the future and conservative shtick could be revamped to serve as his escalator to fame and fortune.
Hartford Advocate |
Gregory B. Hladky |
10-21-2009 |
The Connecticut For Lieberman Party Seeks to Transcend Joe Liebermannew

The party's mutation has left some of Lieberman's harshest Democratic critics frustrated and worried about what the new party might do to the re-election chances of Connecticut's other Democratic U.S. Senator, Chris Dodd.
New Haven Advocate |
Gregory B. Hladky |
10-06-2009 |
Scrapping Connecticut's Public Campaign Financing Could Trigger Other Problemsnew
The fate of Connecticut's new system of using taxpayer dollars to pay for political campaigns is about to be decided by a federal appeals court. And, if part of this public-financing scheme is ultimately declared unconstitutional (as seems likely), it could trigger one bad-ass mother of a legislative brawl.
New Haven Advocate |
Gregory B. Hladky |
09-15-2009 |
Tags: campaign finance law, Connecticut
Two Men Convicted of Murder in Connecticut Fight for a New Trialnew
There was no murder weapon found and no physical evidence to link Ron Taylor and George Gould to the murder. There was only circumstantial evidence and witness testimony. The two witnesses who put them away recanted their stories last week.
New Haven Advocate |
Betsy Yagla |
08-18-2009 |
Crime & Justice
Swingers Amiss: Is Group Sex Obscene?new
When swingers swing, is it obscene? Depends on your definition of "obscenity." And of "public."
Hartford Advocate |
Brianna Snyder |
07-21-2009 |
It Ain't Easy Going Green: The Headaches & Hardships of Eco-Friendly Buildingnew

While in many ways Connecticut has been very progressive, the current hodgepodge of local rules and laws are frustrating to people who are committed to building and living sustainably.
New Haven Advocate |
Betsy Yagla |
07-14-2009 |
How Does the Bad Economy Affect Connecticut's Sex Trade?new

Connecticut sex workers are increasing advertising and considering returning to street-walking during the recession.
New Haven Advocate |
Erin Holroyd |
06-30-2009 |
Connecticut's Needle Exchange Programs Face the Chopping Blocknew
New Haven launched one of the first needle-exchange programs in the country in 1990, and it became a national model for curbing the spread of AIDS through intravenous drug use. Gov. Jodi Rell's plan to eliminate the entirety of the $455,000 the state spends yearly on needle exchange is pennywise and pound foolish, advocates say, ensuring a spike in infections.
New Haven Advocate |
Andy Bromage |
06-16-2009 |