AltWeeklies Wire

Putting Atlantans in Harm's waynew

For the Atlanta Harm Reduction Coalition, the state's only syringe exchange program, funding is harder to come by than a needle in a haystack
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Rodney Carmichael  |  10-24-2013  |  Drugs

Connecticut's Needle Exchange Programs Face the Chopping Blocknew

New Haven launched one of the first needle-exchange programs in the country in 1990, and it became a national model for curbing the spread of AIDS through intravenous drug use. Gov. Jodi Rell's plan to eliminate the entirety of the $455,000 the state spends yearly on needle exchange is pennywise and pound foolish, advocates say, ensuring a spike in infections.
New Haven Advocate  |  Andy Bromage  |  06-16-2009  |  Science

Texas Needle Exchange Activists Discuss The Charges They Facenew

The state Attorney General's ruling that legislation authorizing a pilot needle-exchange program doesn't protect participants from being arrested for distributing drug paraphernalia kicked the case against three activists into gear. They face charges that threaten up to a year in jail and $4,000 in fines.
San Antonio Current  |  Elaine Wolff  |  05-14-2008  |  Science

San Fran's Mayor Ignores Proposals for Safe Syringe Collectionnew

Santa Cruz, New York, Baltimore, Vancouver, and many other cities feature disposal boxes in drug hot spots -- but Gavin Newsom has nixed requests to put them in the city.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  J.B. Powell  |  08-29-2007  |  Science

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