AltWeeklies Wire

Backward Expert-Witness Law Creates Advantage for Jerry Sanduskynew

Though the grand jury report outlining allegations that former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky routinely raped young boys entrusted in his care is damning, when it comes to the trial, Sandusky and his lawyer Joe Amendola have a few home-court advantages here in Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  12-15-2011  |  Crime & Justice

Is Occupy Philly a Man's World? Sounds like

It's sad to think that people optimistic enough to believe that marches and sit-ins can dismantle greed in the hearts and minds of bankers and politicians they'll never meet think it's impossible to help the women working every day alongside them to protect themselves.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  11-18-2011  |  #OCCUPY

Reality Check: Pennsylvania's Rape Laws Perpetuate the Mythsnew

It’s easier to get away with sexual assault in Pennsylvania than anywhere else in U.S.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  06-22-2011  |  Policy Issues

Vermont's Colleges are Underreporting Sexual Assaultsnew

A review of statistics filed by Vermont’s institutions of higher learning in the past decade suggests that the number of sexual assaults they report to the government is far lower than the number that actually occur.
Seven Days  |  Ken Picard  |  04-02-2010  |  Crime & Justice

Funds Cut for Campus Assault Preventionnew

Combating sexual assault is especially tough if your workspace is the size of a professional basketball player's shoebox.
Boston Phoenix  |  Sara Faith Alterman  |  12-12-2008  |  Education

Rape: The Price of Admissionnew

Along the U.S.-Mexico border, sexual assault has become routine.
Tucson Weekly  |  Tim Vanderpool  |  06-11-2008  |  Immigration

Sexual Assault: Another Byproduct of the Privatization of the Iraq Warnew

For women in Iraq, the terrorist could be the guy working beside you.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lisa Rab  |  04-11-2008  |  War

America's Secret Warnew

Victims of sexual assault while serving in the military are the unknown casualties of war.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Joe Piasecki  |  12-01-2006  |  War

Mother Urges Officials to Go After Cybercreepsnew

Since Jaemi Levine's 12-year-old daughter was molested by a man who contacted her online, she has crusaded for tougher laws and better enforcement in such cases.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach  |  Wyatt Olson  |  08-01-2005  |  Crime & Justice

"If the Shoe Fits," "Welcome to America," and "Duke of Oil"new

AltWeeklies Award - News Story (1500 words or less)
Westword  |  Alan Prendergast  |  05-18-2005  |  Media

The Dorm From Hellnew

Black mold, fire ant invasions, lack of repairs: They all make living conditions at the University of Texas at Dallas's Waterview Park miserable. But far worse is the crime.
Dallas Observer  |  a Southern Methodist University Investigative Reporting Class  |  05-02-2005  |  Education

Teens Complain of Beatings and Humiliation at Boot-Campnew

On a boy's first night at Growing Together, a boot camp-style drug treatment center for adolescents in Lake Worth, Fla., he says he got a visit from "The Naked Crusader." A New Times investigation discovered that physical and sexual abuse are common there.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach  |  Trevor Aaronson  |  12-13-2004  |  Crime & Justice

Strong Arm of the Law: Allegations of Misconduct Dog Acclaimed Officernew

In the same year, Officer Pete Salvo was named the Hollywood Police Department's Officer of the Year and was the subject of a wrongful-death lawsuit filed by the family of a man who died after an altercation with him and other officers.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach  |  Trevor Aaronson  |  10-05-2004  |  Crime & Justice

University of Colorado Team Grinds On Under Weight of Pastnew

The football team became a band of brothers when eight of them were called to testify before a state grand jury. Now they just want to play, but the trauma tied to the school's recruiting scandal isn't over.
Westword  |  Bill Gallo  |  08-27-2004  |  Sports

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