AltWeeklies Wire
In His Biofuels-Promoting Doc 'Fuel,' Joshua Tickell Tries to Do Too Muchnew

Joshua Tickell is very serious about biodiesel. Also, he just married a folk singer; he hates pollution; and he has a video camera. In short: Watch out, America, because there's a documentary full of sincerity coming your way.
Tucson Weekly |
James DiGiovanna |
10-07-2009 |
'Fuel': One Suggestion for Our Petroleum Addictionnew
Tickell is preaching to the converted, who already fill their vintage Benzes with French-fry grease from Dr. Dan, Propel, or other local vendors. But they already know the gospel, and already have DVDs of the better told, better argued Who Killed the Electric Car? and An Inconvenient Truth at home.
Seattle Weekly |
Brian Miller |
11-25-2008 |
Life After (Peak) Oil: Rethinking Priorities and Kicking the Fuel Habitnew
For those in North Carolina who take the Hubbert Peak seriously, and who see it as occurring not only within their lifetimes but in the next few years, neither future seems likely. Rather, they are preparing for a world without oil by steeling themselves for something in the middle, a world after cheap gasoline and the conveniences that come with it.
INDY Week |
Gerry Canavan and Jaimee Hills |
11-13-2008 |
Bring On Expensive Gas!new
War. Famine. Blackout. The rising price of oil has some heavy implications. But what's the one that North Americans are freaking over? The high cost of gasoline.
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly |
Kyle Shaw |
05-13-2008 |
Opposition to Ethanol is Growingnew
As Michigan rushes ahead to build new plants that will turn corn into fuel for our cars, trucks and SUVs, an unusual assortment of opponents is trying to douse what critics call a "frenzy" for this alternative to gasoline.
Metro Times |
Curt Guyette |
08-21-2007 |
When the Tank Goes Drynew
If the peak-oil theory is correct, the world is going to run out of oil soon -- will you be ready?
Metroland |
Shawn Stone |
04-22-2005 |