AltWeeklies Wire
Thrifty Families and Other Lies
We Americans value thrift and personal responsibility. We believe we should live within our means. These cultural ideals stem from our Puritan history. But we don't live up to our ideals. Not even close.
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
04-25-2011 |
Policy Issues
'Green Gone Wrong' Uncovers Which Climate Change 'Solutions' are Part of the Problemnew

If you think you're saving the planet by buying compact-fluorescent bulbs and organic, fair trade coffee beans, Heather Rogers' new book might wipe the smug off your face.
Seven Days |
Ken Picard |
04-15-2011 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
'Ad Nauseam' Questions Happy Consumerismnew
For anyone who's read much about consumerism, there's not a lot of new ground covered here -- unsurprising, perhaps, since many of the book's articles date back to the mid '90s. The theme throughout is this: what makes advertising so powerful is its slippery method of using suggestive imagery instead of intellectual argument to associate products with positive emotions.
The Georgia Straight |
Jennifer Croll |
09-11-2009 |
A Dumpster Diver Loses His Right to Rummage at Vanderbilt Universitynew
Vanderbilt officials say their concern isn't theft—it's lawsuits. Dumpster diving isn't a big problem for the university -- they've never arrested anyone for Dumpster diving, and they continue to issue warnings of trespass charges for repeat offenders.
Nashville Scene |
Tracy Moore |
06-12-2009 |
Reboot America: A Lesson from Post-Consumerist Cubanew

It sucks that it took a depression to get us here, but historians might just look back on this depression as the event that saved the ecosystem just when we were on the brink of flopping over a climatic tipping point.
Artvoice |
Michael I. Niman |
03-13-2009 |
'Hot, Flat, and Crowded' is the Same Old Thomas Friedmannew

When some time ago a friend of mine told me that Thomas Friedman's new book was going to be a kind of environmentalist clarion call against American consumerism, I almost died laughing.
New York Press |
Matt Taibbi |
01-15-2009 |
Eco Hustle: You'll Tide Edition
Revisiting Dickens' A Christmas Carol brings up some uncomfortable comparisons to go with our holiday cheer.
Flagpole Magazine |
Alan Flurry |
12-22-2008 |
Dreaming of a Green Christmasnew

Here are some tips to keep a greener, more respectful holiday this year, and some ideas for you (and local governments) for future Christmas seasons.
Creative Loafing (Tampa) |
Wayne Garcia |
12-16-2008 |
Lewis Hyde's Classic Manifesto 'The Gift' Gets a Timely Re-Releasenew
What this book conveys more than almost any other book I've read is the sense of abundance artists develop from grounding their sense of self in something other than money or "stuff." At this time, perhaps more than any other, this book will also speak to readers who don't necessarily consider themselves artists.
Montreal Mirror |
Juliet Waters |
12-15-2008 |
Giving Thanks for Buy Nothing Daynew
I am about 14 years late to the party on this one, but I'm planning on staying for a bit, and inviting friends. Anyway, the message is that buying more stuff -- even eco-friendly stuff -- is not the answer. Consuming less is a good start. We've been here before.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Coco Tanaka |
12-01-2008 |
The Eco Hustle: What Green Meansnew

A collision of double entendre has caught us in the crossfire of capitalism and self-preservation. We need to sort it out. But our closest hold on what to do is a vague reference we mostly associate with money. Is it just a buying guide? What does "green" actually mean?
Flagpole Magazine |
Alan Flurry |
10-03-2008 |
Green Fatigue: Is Anyone Else Sick and Tired of Eco-Chic?new

The most inconvenient truth of all, it turns out, is this: The Green Movement might make you feel warm and fuzzy, but it won't stop global warming. Really want to save the planet? Wear your old clothes, drive your old car, and save up for solar panels.
Phoenix New Times |
Staff |
04-22-2008 |
We're All Destroying the Earth, and Buying an Organic Handbag Ain't Gonna Helpnew
These days, helping the environment is Big Business. It's not just media hype, and not just sweatshirts made from post-consumer Diet Coke packaging.
Phoenix New Times |
Sarah Fenske |
04-22-2008 |
Green Buying Binge is Doing Us Innew
What started all those years ago as a valiant effort to nudge residents to get with the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) has morphed into a fervent consumer campaign that has vanquished "reduce." It's not just evidenced by my new supersized recycling bin, but also by the endless variety of ways we're encouraged to be "green" while indulging unabated our addiction to shopping.
NOW Magazine |
Andrew Cash |
04-18-2008 |
Giving It Away: One Woman's Dispossession Obsessionnew
On June 26, I began giving all of our excess stuff away, hoping to give away an item a day for 365 days.
Baltimore City Paper |
Michelle Gienow |
09-04-2007 |