AltWeeklies Wire

Green Fatigue: Is Anyone Else Sick and Tired of Eco-Chic?new

The most inconvenient truth of all, it turns out, is this: The Green Movement might make you feel warm and fuzzy, but it won't stop global warming. Really want to save the planet? Wear your old clothes, drive your old car, and save up for solar panels.
Phoenix New Times  |  Staff  |  04-22-2008  |  Environment

We're All Destroying the Earth, and Buying an Organic Handbag Ain't Gonna Helpnew

These days, helping the environment is Big Business. It's not just media hype, and not just sweatshirts made from post-consumer Diet Coke packaging.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  04-22-2008  |  Environment

Going Green? Better Look Past the Labelnew

Marketers know all about your kind -- they know you feel guilty about your consumption, and they're here to take your money. Don't trust them. They "greenwash," and it's a serious problem.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Alli Katz  |  04-22-2008  |  Environment

Green Buying Binge is Doing Us Innew

What started all those years ago as a valiant effort to nudge residents to get with the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) has morphed into a fervent consumer campaign that has vanquished "reduce." It's not just evidenced by my new supersized recycling bin, but also by the endless variety of ways we're encouraged to be "green" while indulging unabated our addiction to shopping.
NOW Magazine  |  Andrew Cash  |  04-18-2008  |  Environment

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