AltWeeklies Wire

Looking at the Implications of Colorado's Proposed Anti-Choice Amendmentnew

If voters pass Amendment 48 in November, the Colorado Constitution will be changed so that even a pronuclear embryo -- a single-celled, newly fertilized human egg -- will have the same rights and protections as a fully developed, living, breathing human being. The so-called "Personhood Amendment," an initiative placed on the ballot by anti-abortion extremists, would impact not only abortion, experts say, but also a broad range of issues pertaining to women's health from access to contraception to infertility treatment to the flexibility doctors have in treating pregnant women.
Boulder Weekly  |  Pamela White  |  08-04-2008  |  Sex

RockyGrass Festival Breaks Free from Tradition While Staying True to its Rootsnew

Compared to its relative Telluride Bluegrass Festival, RockyGrass is a slightly smaller, more traditional affair. Traditional, that is, in a vague sense. In its 36th year, RockyGrass has grown to a three-day festival that spans more than a century of American roots music, from the banjo and mandolin songs with which we're most familiar to 21st century acoustic songwriting.
Boulder Weekly  |  Margaret Hair  |  07-28-2008  |  Music

Enviros Find Lame Excuses Not to Drill Offshore and in the Arcticnew

One of the more commonly used talking points of those who oppose drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or on the Outer Continental Shelf is that it would be at least 5 to 7 years before any ANWR or OCS crude reached U.S. refineries. It's one of the dumber arguments environmentalists and their Democratic allies in Congress make, and if you want to know why, consider how long it would take to produce an equivalent amount of fuel from any alternative source.
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  07-21-2008  |  Commentary

Leave No Child Inside: How Nature-Deficit Disorder is Affecting Our Kidsnew

Despite all the benefits that outdoor play offers, more and more kids are spending their time inside instead of out. In fact, according to a recent report put out by the National Wildlife Federation, children are spending half as much time outside as they did 20 years ago.
Boulder Weekly  |  Dana Logan  |  07-21-2008  |  Children & Families

Universal Soldiernew

Soldiers returning from war have a long road ahead of them.
Boulder Weekly  |  Dylan Otto Krider  |  07-19-2008  |  Performance

Is Dissent Patriotic? Sometimes It Is, Sometimes It Isn'tnew

If you're a dissenter, ask not, "Is dissent patriotic?" Ask whether you are patriotic.
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  07-07-2008  |  Commentary

George Carlin Showed Us the Importance of Being Offensivenew

Shit. Piss. Fuck. Cunt. Cocksucker. Motherfucker. Tits. I can think of hundreds of words more offensive than these in the English language: Lie. Murder. War. Politics. Fundamentalism. Apathy. O'Reilly.
Boulder Weekly  |  Dale Bridges  |  06-30-2008  |  Commentary

Blame Reagan for Today's High Gas Pricesnew

Less than four months after Jimmy Carter signed the Energy Security Act, the Reagan administration replaced the Carter administration. And as soon as they took office, the Reaganites set about killing the synfuels program. Where would we be today if Reagan had stayed the course?
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  06-30-2008  |  Commentary

Stevie Wonder on the Death of Ray Charles and His Hopes for Barack Obamanew

His 2007 U.S. tour, A Wonder Summer's Night, is his first broad-based national tour in over a decade, inspired by the 2006 death of his mother, Lula Mae Hardaway, a sharecropper's daughter born in Alabama in 1930.
Boulder Weekly  |  Ben Corbett  |  06-30-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Telluride Bluegrass Festival Celebrates 35 Years of Pickin' and Swingin'new

The granddaddy of summertime festivals has continued to be one of the most remarkable celebrations of uniquely American music. There are few places where pop stars such as Barenaked Ladies share the same bill as Bela Fleck and Jerry Douglas.
Boulder Weekly  |  Andy Stonehouse  |  06-16-2008  |  Concerts

All Eyes Are on Denver as it Gets Set to Host Dems in Augustnew

For months now, activists have been planning protests designed to draw the attention of the media that will be gathered to hear Sen. Barack Obama and Democratic leaders speak. In response, Denver police have purchased millions of dollars of "non-lethal" crowd-control technology. In the middle stands the American Civil Liberties Union, concerned about potential arrests and the treatment that protesters will receive.
Boulder Weekly  |  Dana Logan  |  06-16-2008  |  Politics

Wind Power Makes Great Strides, but Enviros Complainnew

Environmentalists may have spent a generation arguing for the use of wind and solar energy, but if you think they're OK with this, you're dreaming. In California, they're opposing plans for wind-turbine installations in Riverside County east of Los Angeles. And in San Bernardino County they are opposing the power lines that would bring the output of wind and solar installations in the desert to LA.
Boulder Weekly  |  Paul Danish  |  06-10-2008  |  Environment

Carl Honore Puts On the Brakes with 'In Praise of Slowness'new

"I think that when you eat in a Slow way -- that is with a capital S -- you realize that when you put something in your mouth that there is a whole story behind it," he says. "We've lost all of that back story to our food that's been shorn away in this fast-forward culture."
Boulder Weekly  |  Erica Grossman  |  06-02-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Colony Collapse Disorder is Putting Honeybees and Our Food Supply at Risknew

Since November 2006, there have been reports of honeybees flying away from their colonies and disappearing. Beekeepers are reporting losses of between 30 and 90 percent of their hives. No one seems to know exactly why the bees aren't returning to the hive. But the phenomenon is more than alarming -- it's being called a global crisis.
Boulder Weekly  |  Dana Logan  |  05-27-2008  |  Animal Issues

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